8 The Barker ETC g:tuclent Government /^cc6p*tins p^ppliCQ'tions -For ^prins ^siDGStiGir 2002 Did you miss the last elections? Want to get involved with the campus community? Just want to know more about our campus? Student Government wants youl Several positions are open in both the legislative and executive branch. Visit our web page www.unca.edu/sga> for more information and drop by our new office in Dining Hall 211 or call 251-65^^^ Construction Update: Good news! The Greenway Continuation Project is underway, as of December 3, 2001. The Greenway trail from Merrimon Ave. to Barnard is growing. The next phase from Barnard to the UNCA main entrance will begin as soon as a silt fence is in place to protect the stream from erosion. This part of the Greenway is still just part of the final project that will someday link WT Weaver Blvd. with Downtown. Facilities Management will continue to update all on the progress and/or construction updates on these projects. Thanks for your patience with this great addition to Asheville! ADVENTORE LECTORE! Mark Wellman, Mountaineer/Adventurer with a Disability will be on the UNCA campus 12/12 at 7pm in Lipinsky. $10 general seating. Mark is disabled but he has managed to climb £1 Capitan and Half Dome. He has been on the US Disabled Ski Team and enjoys extreme skiing and Whitewater kayaking. He is nationally recognized and DYNAMIC! Come be inspired. These lectures are presented by TAASC (The America'* Adventure Service Corps), based in Morganton with an office in Black Mountain. The group leads young people on outdoor adventure trips - climbing, canoeing, hiking, leave-no-trace camping - and include service projects in their activities.