3J0.2011 I The Blue Banner I 9 were joined by a professional drag queen. rformances, more enthusiasm “That money just goes to their funding and their ability to have events and work- jshops,” Wilson said. “We only made $32. jit’s really not a big deal. It’s just a way of promoting and building that kind of rela tionship with that group.” Bear said even though she was nervous for her performance, she enjoyed herself “I was really nervous before I went on, but 1 ran back and forth a few times and did a few jumps before they called my name. Then, I just had to do it,” Bear said. “I had a lot of fun watching the other folks perform. They looked like they had spent a lot of time on their acts which made it a good show.” Tiongson said she thought the show was entertaining. “Throughout the show, 1 enjoyed every single performance and was challenged by some with their depth and the places they [look me,” she said. “Some were just full of I sheer madhouse fun that made me spend ;niore time in the air jumping than time on die ground. It’s really hard to say which ’one was my favorite performance. Every- j one gave it their all.” I Even though everyone tried their hard est, at the end of the night, one person was chosen as drag king or queen. There were judges to offer critique, but ultimately, the audience chose the winner. Camille “Savage” Cassada won for her performance of a compilation of songs from the hit TV show “Glee.” Tiongson said she had a great time and would consider performing again next year. “I was blown away by every single per son that performed as well as the audience that kept the show so energetic and highly- charged. It felt like a party the whole time on the stage and off,” Tiongson said. “I will definitely consider being a part of the performances next year through a dance bit and what not.” Wilson said the event was ev erything she hoped it would be. “For me, I think (the Drag Ball) is mostly about having fun and sharing community and doing something that, I think, people from all walks of life really enjoy — just going to a show that’s really eccentric and eclectic and fun to see. I just saw people smiling the whole time and dancing, so that was awesome,” Wilson said. “I think the point is just to have fun, and have a big event that’s free and that people can feel free to come into and enjoy, and I think that’s what we accomplished this year. I hope to do it again next year,” Wilson said. Rachael Fisher ■ staff Photographer Savannah Seithel performed "Cooler Than Me" at drag ball. She also per formed in the event last year with the song "Sharp Dressed Man." However, this year, she said she put more thought and preparation into her routine. Seithel is also a member in the student organization Alliance.