Campus \bice 3.282012 I The Blue Banner I 15 The Blue Banner’s View Female lawmakers take stand for equality in health care House bill 1116 in Georgia states, “Thousands of children are deprived of birth in this state every year because of the lack of state regulation over vasec tomies.” That’s right, this bill proposes to prohibit vasectomies. Sounds crazy, right? How about an amendment proposed in Oklahoma which states, “Any action in which a man ejaculates or other wise deposits semen anywhere but in a woman’s vagina shall be interpreted and construed as an action against an unborn child.”? Across the country, news of these and several other proposed bills might be making people wonder, “Are these for real?” or, “Is this a joke?” In reality, it’s neither. These laws weren’t proposed with the intention of being passed. In fact, the amendment in Oklahoma has already been shot down. Female Democrats proposed these laws to make a statement. We won’t stand aside and let you con trol our health care without a fight. So in answer to the numerous debates, laws, amendments and bills (C Thousands of children are deprived^ birth in this state every ye^ because of the lack of sjate regulation over vasectoMies.” -House Bill 1116, Georgia concerning abortion, contraceptives and other means of health care for women, these women are taking a stab at men’s health. Sure, these laws sound utterly ridicu lous. But that’s exactly the point. If lawmakers can pass laws prohib iting aspects of women’s health or making it more difficult for women to access certain types of health care, why can’t we do the same for men? If you want to tell us it’s immoral to provide women with free contracep tives, then the same can be said for vasectomies. Both prevent pregnancy; both should be subject to the same regulations. Chances are, these proposed laws will epically fail in a vote. But they have already served their purpose. It sounds ridiculous to make amend ments targeting aspects of men’s health care. Just as ridiculous as targeting women’s. Sure, plenty of arguments exist against making contraceptives available for free. And even more arguments exist against abortion rights. But the point is, all of these recent laws and amendments have a huge impact on women’s health and the majority of legislatures passing these laws are men. A recent quote to hit Tumblr, Face- book and other social media networks poses this question to anti-abortion ac tivists; “People say abortion is murder... Does that make condoms kidnapping?’ The witty quote probably induces laughter, but the underlying message is serious. How far will these laws and amend ments attacking women’s sexual health rights be allowed to go? To the women who proposed these laws, thank you for standing up and making a point. And to the conservatives who con tinue to fight against women’s health care rights? Keep it coming. We can think of a few more ridicu lous laws, too. The Blue Banner Editorial Board Karpen Hall 019 (828) Hall Ledford, Editor-in-Chief Auburn Petty, Managing Editor TVevor Metcalfe, News Editor Alicia Adcox, Campus Voice Editor aradcox @ Sarah Gentry, Sports Editor segentry @ unca .edu Dustin Stuart, Photography Editor Morgan Nirenstein, Copy Desk Chief 251-6586 WWW. thebluebanner. net Jackie Starkey, Assistant News Editor Tyler Sprinkle, Assistant Sports Editor tsprinkl @ Jessica LaRue, Co- Arts & Features Editor jlarue Maisey Cooley, Co- Arts & Features Editor Amarra Ghani, Ass/sfaof Campus Voice Editor Gabriel Ainslie, Assistant Photography Editor Michael Gouge, Facuity Adviser Have a news tip? send to The Blue Banner is UNC Asheville’s student newspaper. We publish each Wednesday except during summer sessions, finals week and holiday breaks. Our office is located in Karpen Hall 019. The Blue Banner is a desig nated forum for free speech and welcomes letters to the editor, considering them on basis of interest, space and timeliness. Letters and articles should be emailed to the editor-in-chief or the appropriate section editor. Letters should include the writer’s name, year in school, and major or other relationship to UNCA. Include a telephone number to aid in verification. All articles are subject to editing.