Employers must stop violating job candidates’ privacy Employers and career advisement professionals alike have created a catch-22 within the modem job mar ket with their scmtiny of social media. More than ever, employers expect college graduates to be increasingly unguarded by maintaining a variety of online profiles, from Facebook to Twitter to Linkedln. Po tential hirers intend to gain a better idea of a candidate’s experience, personality and talents through all this mass exposure. However, as any student has likely en countered by now, professors and career advisers constantly harp on the dangers of letting slip any detail which might compro mise one’s image in the eyes of an employ er. In an already uncertain job market, such advice may rack job seekers with anxiety as they stmggle to maintain a surveillance- state level of image control on outlets for merly used as mindless socialization tools. Studies have shown social media prove poor stress relievers in the first place, of ten triggering feelings of depression in people as they compare their own lives to the idealized window a Facebook profile or Instagram feed lends to their friends’ lives. Feeling these media websites repre sent one’s worthiness for employment does little to assuage these symptoms. Facebook employs many privacy safe guards for users to narrow the scope of what others can see or even cut it off entirely, but employers may distrust anyone who will not accept a friend request. Some have even engaged in such a gross violation of privacy as to demand Facebook passwords so that no detail may be hidden from their gaze. Linkedln feels like the logical remedy for social media paranoia in the job market. Their profiles resemble little more than inter active resumes, allowing former colleagues to endorse one another without the clutter of extensive photo galleries or status updates. But, if career advisers’ warnings hold any water, employers pry into Twitter feeds and Facebook profiles hoping to get a better glimpse at personalities and so cial skills while eliminating anyone show ing any sign of unprofessional behavior. If photos of you at wild parties, chug ging tequila straight from the bottle and drawing genitals on your passed out friend’s face with a Sharpie litter your Facebook profile, you may need to rethink your readiness to enter the adult world. However, if you resemble the aver age job candidate, you should not fear losing your dream job because an em ployer dug up a controversial political opinion, a dumb joke or a picture of you enjoying a night at the bar with friends. Furthermore, many people of our genera tion have maintained the same Facebook or Twitter account for years, with posts likely dating back to high school. Career advisers may suggest we delete those pro- ’ files, but they often serve as digital time capsules and crucial links to old friends or relatives, even if they stress us out. Though it feels increasingly less obvi ous in the modem job market, a person’s life can be about more than their career. * Facebook, Twitter and other platforms should strictly remain a part of the so cial realm, leaving employers to use ap propriate channels like career websites or Linkedln to evaulate potential employ ees and leaving candidates less paranoid. Employers, leave the profile spying * to the National Security Administration. The Blue Karpen Hall 019 Beckett Bathanti, Editor-in-Chief shathant® unca .edu Shanee Simhoni, News Editor ssimhoni@ unca .edu Emily Honeycutt, Arts & Features Editor e honey cu @ unca.edu Cory A. Thompson, Assistant Arts & Features Editor coryetc® gmail .com Banner Editorial Board (828) 251-6586 www.thebluebanner.net A.V. Sherk, Sports Editor asherk® unca .edu Max Miller, Opinion Editor nmiller® unca.edu Grace Raper, Copy Desk Chief graper® unca .edu Jorja Smith, Photography Co-Editor jsmithS® unca .edu Will Breedlove, Photography Co-Editor wbreedlo ® unca .edu Tim Barrett, Business Manager tbarrett@unca.edu Tina Scruggs, Multimedia Editor cscruggl® unca.edu Michael Gouge, Faculty Adviser mgouge ® unca .edu Have a news tip? Send to sbathant@unca.edu The Blue Banner is UNC Asheville’s student newspaper. We publish each Wednesday except during summer ses sions, finals week and holiday breaks. Our office is located in Karpen Hall 019. The Blue Banner is a designated forum for free speech and welcomes letters to the editor, considering them on basis of interest, space and timeliness. Letters and articles should be emailed to the editor- in-chief or the appropriate section editor. Letters should include the writer’s name, year in school and major or other relationship to UNCA. Include a tele phone number to aid in verification. All articles are subject to editing.