mm September 16, 2015. | Issue 4, Volume 63 | NEWS TKe star of tfCHANSTALLATION UNCA’s seventh chancellor settles in PHILLIP WYATT A&F Staff Writer I pw^att@u ChancelTor Mary K.” (jrant has lived in Asheville less than a year, yet she already sounds like a local. Her love of hiking, bike rid ing, gardening. Highland Brew ing and The Hop’s dark choco late ice cream depicts Grant as a quintessential Ashevillian. “I really like the size of scale of Asheville- not too big, not too small,” Grant said. “You can wander around in the River Arts District and find a whole differ ent vibe, a whole different set of places to explore- restaurants, coffee shops and galleries .You can go down to West Asheville, where there is just a great music scene. It’s surrounded by all of this natural beauty. There seems to be something for everybody here in bur own backyard.” Bom in Boston, the diehard Red Sox fan is no stranger to the liberal arts cur riculum. Grant received her bachelor’s degree in sociology from Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts in 1983, accord ing to information from a UNC Asheville press release. Grant ‘said she took a year and a half off before earning a master’s degree in public affairs from the University of Massa chusetts, Boston, in 1986, us ing her time between degrees to reflect and determine her next move in academics. The chancellor started- her career in higher education as a research assistant at UMass Boston, also teaching gradu ate-level courses in the univer sity’s public policy program. She also spent years as assistant vice chancellor for administra tion and finance and chair of the college’s faculty. Read more on page / 7 5y limbibhepr Chancellor Grant and SGA President Maya Newlin enjoy free Hop ice cream. The Blue Banner Fall 2015 Editorial Board Edhor'in-Chief Timbi Shepherd, Enterprising Editor James Neal, News Editor Emma Sports Editor Harrison Slaughter, Arts & Features Editor Larisa Karr, Copy Desk Chief Tamsen Todisco, Layout & Design Editor Makeda Sandford, Asst. Layout & Design Editor Jennifer Barnes, jbarnesi Multimedia Editor Maddie Stagnaro, Social Media Editor Michael O'Hearn, Opinion Editor June Bunch, Photography Editor Blake Willis, Copy Editors Devric Lefevre, Kathryn Gambill, Advertising Manager Amber Abunassar, Faculty Adviser Michael Gouge, Staff Gordon Gellatly, Jason Perry, Matt McGregor, Phillip Wyatt, Curtis Ginn, Holden Mesk, Maddy Swims, Sam Shumate, Ashley Elder, Becca An drews, Roan Farb, Johnny Condon, Jordyn Key, Meredith Bumgarner, and Carson Wall. Follow Us: II ©TheBlueBanner 01 The Blue Banner ©thebluebanner ' TfeveanewsJt^'^T^:* Send to j.shephe3@MncaibJuj ■TheBlueBannerri UNC Astej i ville’s student newspaper. We : publish each Wedasday except: i during suHiinBr sessions fetafe ; w^k and holiday hiEak&-Our . office is located in Karpen Hall i ; ’ 019. The Blue Banner is a desigiated .forum for free .speech and wel- I comes letters to the editor^ con- ; pitlerfntg them on basis of interest; space and timeliness. Lefiers an^ articles should be emailed to the editor-in-chief or tlie appropriate ' section editctr. Letters should include the writer’s nansi, year in school, and major or other relationship to UNCA. Include a telephone number to aid in verificatiori.AIL articles are subject to editing. ;