December 15, 1924 THE WEAVER PEP 3 FOOTBALL BANQUET The Weaver College football team were guests of the town people of Weaverville at a ban quet given at West’s Cafe on Dec. 1. Prof. C. H. Trowbridge, Pres ident of Weaver College, acted as toastmaster for the evening. The food served was of an excellent quality and there was an abundance of everything that appeals to the appetite of the husky football player. After the' cartoons. in the country. The drawings have been forwarded to the en graver, together with campus views. Class photographs will be sent in this week. If the few photo^aphs that have not yet come in are turned 6ver to the editor immdeiately, it is quite probable that more than half the copy will be in the hands of the printer by January 1. It has been rumored that Billy Bourne is going to favor the an nual with one of his splendid All who read The food had been partaken of ev-' Asheville Citizen know that he t-ryone present was called on for is capable of producing the best, a speech. All responded in good The business manager reports style. It was pointed out in the that he is having fair success in speeches that a great deal of the securing advertising contracts, success of the season was due to He wants it distinctly under- the work of v^oach Arbogast. stood, however, that lack of sup- Everyone thanked the represen port by any student will be con- tative of the town people who sidered a treasonable offense, gave the banquet for the back- Every student is expectd to pur- ing that they had received from chase an annual. To refuse to them. I do so is. tp break faith with After the banquet, ballots those who are giving of their were taken for captain of the time and talent freely; the only 1925 team. Emory Lyda, for reward they ask or hope for, be- three years center on the “ the joy that comes from the Giant” team, was elected to this satisfaction that one gets from position. knowing that he has done a hard Those present at the banquet job well, a job that will reflect were M’* ’’ V. Erskine who rep- glory upon our Alma Mater, resented the town people, Coach B. H. Arbogast, Prof. C. H. | Trowbridge. Graduate Manager THE CARPENTER- E. R. Presson, Captain Fred gave ^confidence to the faculty and student body that the right person had been secured as in structor of Economics. Dr. Briley is rather resenred, but to know her is to lov^ her. It is with deep regret that her resignation has been accepted. On account of the condition her health and also that oJ^ her mother, she will not be able to return to Weaver after Christ mas, but she will spend the com ing months with her people. It is the sincere wish of every one at Weaver that Dr. Briley and her mother will soon be restored to health. There will be some changes in the work after Christmas. Mrs. Carden, the wife of Prof. Car den and a very energetic and ca pable woman, will relive Prof. Powell of some of his work and will take over high school Eng lish that Dr. Briley had. Prof. Powell will resume his place held last year as head of the Depart ments of History and Economics. It’s a great deal better to come from the. country ancj have folks know it, than to come from town and have folks thinking that you came from the country. Janie: What would you do if I were to cry? Williamson: Hang out a sign, “Wet Paint.” I wish I had a flivver. I’d take a merry ride. I’l like to feel it quiver, With a maiden by my side. I know I’m not a shiek, Not good looking, as you see; But if I had a fliver, Then the gals would care for me. By Henry Fortesquire. The hours I spent with thee, dear heart. Are frought with joy and bliss, although At times I’d like to kick apart My radio, my radio. Brummitt, Bonner Boger, Ray Carpenter, Sidney Croy, Horace Clemens, Richard Evans, Ever- ette Goebel, Marshall Hampton, MATTHEWS CUP Weaver gained possession for at least’one-y^ear 'andJnaade a Fleet Hinson, Okel Jones, Na- good start tdward penrianent than Jones, Theodore Jervis,'possession of the handsome lov- Comelius Kuykendall, Samuel :ing cup that Will 'be- given to Lemond, Emory Lyda, Steve Presson, uaroll Sorrells, Leon Warlick, D. B. Williamson, Mar vin Widenhouse. Record of the “Blue Giants” Weaver 0 Carson-Newman 63 Canton 0 Mars HiU 0 Wingate 6 Furman 2nd .. 13 Tusculum .... 17 Farm School .. 0 Weaver 10 Mars Hill 0 Weaver 20 Weaver 0 Weaver Weaver Weaver Weaver 7. 0 7 6 “The Mountaineer” Promises To Be A Work Of Merit (Continued from Page l) uses which the institution has produced in the past. The local art editors are mak ing some unusually fine draw ings to be used as introductory pages. Besides the student art ists who are at work, the editor- in-chief has secured the eser- vices of Mr. James Burrus, who was such a valuable aid on last year’s “Mountaineer.” Mr. Bur rus has just completed desi^s for Ex-libris, sub-title, and title pages. He has also worked up panel designs for view section, and senior section. These draw ings will give to the book an air of refinement that few can fully appreciate, since they are based on the designing submitted by the footbaal teams of Weaver or Mars Hill Colleges that wins the first three games between the two institutions. This trophy is offered by the jewelry firm of Carpenter - Matthews of Ashe ville. The first game between the two institutions after the cup was offered resulted in a score less tie. Weaver won the next game and is entitled to keep the cup until the next meeting be tween the two teams. The trophy was presented to the footb^l team by Mr. Mat thews of the Carpenter-Mat- thews firm at the chapel hour on December 9ith. It was received by Captain Brummitt. Give Your Fibns to H. S. Broome, Agent, Weaver College Appreciation OF CRAFTSMANSHIP To better record those Moments of Happiness'—in Kodaking, we offer our consultation and service. i I KING KODAK FINISHING CO. 17 King Street Asheville, N. C. Dr. Beulah Briley Resigns As Economics Department Head Weaver College was very for tunate in securing Dr. Beulah M. Briley as a member of the fac ulty for the school year begin ning September 3, 1924. Dr. Briley is a Ph. D. graduate of the University of Iowa and is an ex perienced and competent teach er. She came to her new posi tion with a genuine interest in the welfare of the college. The ^e" Bureau of Engraving’s art-1 vigor and intelligence with which ists who are the best to be had she tackled her work at once We cordially invite the Weaver College students to visit Asheville’s New and Only Sporting Goods Store and use our indoor practice golf net. No obligation except to make yourself at home. For brother or sister an assortment of smart sport coats and slip-ons are here for jour inspection. See the golf treasures for a real novelty in Christmas gifts. MICKELBERRY SPENCE & RUSSELL EXCLUSIVE SPORTING GOODS 38 Haywood Street Asheville