Confucius say: Necking in lobby not the best hobby. Clarion Sticks and stones may break my bones, bat eggs can never kill me. Volume XXI Brevard College, October 17,1953 Number 2 Football And Dancing To Highlight Homecoming You are my superior; I am your inferior. I am low now, but I shall reign on high when I become an Euterpean. Methodist Church To Move Nearer Campus At the request of the Official Board of the First Methodist Church of Brevard, the Board of Trustees of Brevard college voted unanimously at their spring meet ing to convey to them a tract of land across the street from the main entrance to the college to be used as the location of a new church plant. Financial plans are proceeding with the view of be ginning construction within the next year. This move gives further evidence of mutual cooperation be tween the college and the local Methodist Church. An attractive church edifice will lend beauty and dignity to the en trance of the campus. The new lo cation will afford ample parking space for the growing Methodist Church of Brevard. TV Sets Are Added To Dormitory Life Two television sets have been added to the dormitories during recent weeks. These sets are be ing paid for by the students by stu dent projects and individual con tributions. The most popular feature so far has been sports. The recent world series and also Saturday afternoon football games are receiving much attention. Officers For 1953-’54 Elected By Classes On Monday, September 21, the sophomore class held its first meet ing of the 1953-54 term. The pur pose of this meeting was to elect class officers for the year. Those chosen for the first term were; Presdient, Gardner Helms; vice president, Charles Rumph; secreta ry and treasurer, Betty Lee Starnes; representative to the stu dent council, Ed Trivette. On the same day the freshmen held their first meeting for the same purpose with Ben Brooks of the student council presiding. Those elected were: President, Reg inald Smith; vice president, Henry Justice; secretary and treasurer, Jacqueline Harmon, and represen tative to the student council, Larry Davis. The sophomore class also elected Ellen Torrence to serve as social chairman of the student council. Ellen will succeed Henry Reddick, who did not return to fill his post. Other members of the student gov- iernment are: President, Ben Brooks; vice president, Wallace Honeycutt; secretary and treasurer, Jennie Lou Morris. COLLEGE SOCIAL EVENTS Homecoming Dance’ : Oct. 17 Christian workers retreat, Oct. 25 Glee Club Picnic Oct. 31 Sophia Steffan concert— Nov. 3 First basketball game Nov. 17 Rat Week Hits All The Low Freshmen “Rat” week at Brevard college brought many new and unexpected thrills. The various literary socie ties on the campus took ample op portunity to indoctrinate their new members into the trials and tribu lations of club life. As the above picture will attest, the most interesting part of the “rat” exercises was the most un usual dress. The Euterpeans and the Mnemosyneans make up the girls groups, and the Delphians and the Cliosophics reign supreme for the boys. With clothes astray and hair in curlers, the Euterpeans were the first brave souls to venture forth into a campus of laughs. The mirth spread all over Brevard and even stretched forth into the distant parts of Transylvania county as sev eral boys found themselves strand ed in parts of the not too inviting mountain areas. In addition to the literary socie ties, there are many Other organi zations on the campus that have been organizing and inducting new members since rush week was offi cially declared. The two publications, the Perte- lote and the Clarion, report that their staffs have been practcially completed and that only a few more positions are open. Campus Prepares For Active Homecoming Week End The “Powder and Puff Bowl” football game and the annual Homecoming dance will be the fea ture attractions on Homecoming' day at Brevard college. Registration for the week end will begin at 10 o’clock on the morning of October 17. Rooms will be assigned to those who plan to stay overnight on the campus. An alumni luncheon will be served in the college cafeteria at 1:00 o’clock Saturday afternoon. Following this luncheon there will be a brief business session. At 2:30 o’clock that afternoon^ the festivities get into full swing. Members of the student body, “Powder and Puff Bowl” football players, President Robert H. Sta- mey, the Brevard high school band and various other persons will par ticipate in a full-dress parade through Brevard. Immediately following the pa rade, the student body will pair off against each other in the football game. The entire student body has been divided into the white and the blue teams. Each of these teams will have selected 18 members, two coaches, a mascot and cheerleaders. In tiu*n, the teams are divided into girls and boys; the girls will play the first and third quarters and the boys will play the second and fourth quarters. The highlight of this Homecom ing week end will be the dance Saturday night. This dance will be held in the college gymnasium and music will be furnished by a local band. The dance will begin at 8:30 o’clock. «!;>;? LEON STUBBS