N Welcome Home lllisterl I The Clarion!'-^ Volame XXFV BREVAKD COLLEGE, NOVEMBER 16. 1956 Number f- COLLEGE WELCOMES ALUMNI mSaDDEN HAS HIT A Royal Welcome I BETTY LAWRENCE ELECTED QUEEN Director Alex B. McFadden si lently watched his Brevard Col lege Masquers present their first play of the season, A Wedding. Throughout the performance the audience stopped the play with load hursts of approval and gave the players a resounding ovation upon the completion of their one act comedy. A smiling director modestly accepted congratulations. The Wedding was supposed to be a formal wedding taking place in the bedroom of a comfortable country home. Confronted with the difficulties of a poor stage, no set ting and lacking the proper cos tumes, the Masquers nevertheless came through with such poise and professional maturity that one came away with the effect of hav ing seen an elaborate production. Carrying the lead was Shan Nor ton as Bob Tisdale, the bridegroom. Shan is a freshman, however, he didn’t act like one. Though visi bly nervous at curtain time, he re laxed with the first laugh and then proceeded to present one of the finest character sketches ever seen at this college. Equally impressive was Mary Garland who portrayed Alice Gray son, the bride. Sophomores will re member her performance as a maid in last year’s, A Broom For The Bride. Her versatility is re markable. Archie, the best man, was por trayed by Edgar Israel who came across with the best performance of the night. Although every mem-, ber of the cast performed with j poise and maturiay, Edgar seemed , to forget he had an audience at aU ■ and really lived his part. We look forward to seeing him in future , presentations. , ] Munsey Millaway who appeared i in the lead in last year’s A Broom For The Bride, was cast as Alice s father. This was IVfunsey’s first role as a mature person and he came through with flying colors. Ronald Daniel was cast as Ted, a skeptical groomsman. Mary Sue Drum played Mrs. Tisdale^ the ibridegroom’s mother, while Shirley Parsons gave f Will Reign Thursday Over Huge Homecoming Crowd At College Pirtured above is Betty Louise Lawrence who will reign this Thursday as Homecoming Queen. Betty is aubu^ ^ pvpd beautv measuring 5 6 and trims down to a neat 34-22-34. Hailing from West Jefferson, N. C., she is a freshman — and that not a double-enten dre boys! ^ Huge Crowd Is Expected I„ a.licipalion 0. .he hug.J.wd | onemion. »pec. expected here Thursday, , since no one can think dents, faculty, and administration' of Brevard College are throwing open the doors to returning alum ni and friends. ouitri, - I Homecoming this year will he an hilarious inter-1 most elaborate ever stagea. Parcnn; eave an iiiiaiiuuo nne iiiUM. pretation of Miss Grayson, the Thanksgiving day will usher in th ^ —Turn to Pa§e Two i ^tvmcf c^randiose display Stamey To Be Speaker For Vespers President Robert Stamey will be the speaker for the special Thank^ giving vesper service to be held on campus, Wednesday night, Nov. 21. The college choir, under the di rection of Mr. Nelson Adams, will render special music. The leaders of the five religious organizations will take part in the service. Bird ie Lee Bingham is chairman of tne committee in ch*ge of the ser- vice. . This vesper service is substitu ting for a regular Thanksgiving service since the cafeteria will not accommodate the huge crowd ex pected to arrive Thursday. Al though the entire day of Thanks giving will be one of solenin rev erence as well as one of .iovial fes tivities, this service will offer ev ery student and alumni an op^r- tunity to proceed the next day fully realizing that they do so on ly by God’s grace- inanKSKiviiiB . , largest and most grandiose display of exhibits ever witnessed on tne campus. The veterans a/e plan ning a miniature model of the co - le^e with streamers coming m from a large map representing ev ery town, state, and country from which Brevard draws her student body. Streamers will then lead to Duke, University of North Caro lina North Carolina State, etc., representing students leaving Bre vard and continuing their educa tion in the various institutions around the county. From here the model will show the students go ing into their various walks of life. The student council is planning a huge welcome arch. These ^o are only given as a sample of the tre mendous enterprise being shown by the clubs in their effort to awe the returning alumni and to cap ture first prize money Thursday. Homecoming will actually begin Thanksgiving Eve with a turtey dinner. President Robert Stamey will then speak at a special veper service to be held that night. Class es will be held until noon Thursday and alumni and friends urged to observe the college in actual however, since no one can think with a holiday upon them. There will be a barliecue at noon which will last until 2:00 p. m. At 2:00 p. m. there will be a football game between the winners of the con ference. This will probably be the New Dormitory and the Sopho mores. There is a possibiUty that Betty Lawrence will be crowned at this time, but this event will prob ably take place at the dance later in the evening. After the ball game there will be a reception in the lounge of the women’s residence hall at which time President Sta mey will conduct an open house tour. Sponsored by the Clios and the Euterps, the dance will begin at 8:00 p. m. There is a huge silence surrounding this event. It is sup posed to be a huge surprise, how ever snoop-poop, our ace reporter, has been hiding in some un«pec- ted places and comes up with the following hints. The Waldofs Aris tocrats will be the band playing for the dance. They are one of the finest dance bands in the South. Gene Ladd, a radio announcer, working his way through coUege, will be the master of cereniomes. Euterps have been seen trying to get a fan to blow streamers. There is talk of a huge fountain occupy ing the center of the dance floor. These are a few hints uncovered, however, most of the operati^is —Turn to Page Two Betty Louise Lawrence has b^n elected to reign as Homecoming Queen here on the Brevard Col lege campus on Thanksgiving Day. A freshman from West Jeffer son, N. C., Betty will be the school girls dream in reality. In a hotly contested battle on Nov. 12 she watched her lead grow over the other 6 beauties who had been pe titioned to run. A freshman in col lege — and now a Queen! Betty is a member of the Bre vard College Masquers and a member of the Mnemosynean So ciety. She is currently preparing for a career in the world of bus^ iness. Born the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Fred E. Lawrence of Boone„ N. C., on April 30, 1937, Betty la ter moved to West Jefferson, N. where she now lives. In high, school she was editor of the paj>er„ a memiber of the dramatic club, 2 member of the debating team, winner of second place for charac ter acting in a dramatic festival, and a participant in many other activities. It has not been decided at what, time she will be crowned, but it will either be before the kick-off of the football game or later on m the evening at the Hom&coniing Dance. Golfers Look Good The BfeVard; College Golfing Team should capture every tour nament that they enter this year. Led by Ed Ficker, a former Flori da State scholarship man, they look better than any previous team in the college’s history. Ed came to us this year from Florida State University where he had a scholarship given him for his golfing ability and will play with a handicap of 3. As a caddy, Ed began playing at the Hender sonville Country Club at the age of 8 years and has continued play ing top flight golf ever since. He attended Flat Rock High School where he played on their golf team for four years. He finished 3rd_ in the senior division at the Asheville JV Tournament in 1953, while 19M- saw him clirnb to 2nd place in this same tournament also in the sen ior division. During his high school days, he played in Asheville, Mor- ganton, Charlotte, and Greenville, S. C., and went to the High School Championship in 1954 and 55. While at Florida State last year he was 3rd flight winner in the Tal lahassee Invitational Tournament. Coming back home, he was 1st flight winner in the Henderson ville Invitational Tournament m 1956. A veteran of the Korean Con- flict’, William F. Rutledge makes up the 2nd member of the golfing team and will probably compete with Steve Davis for 2nd man oa the team. William started playing in 1950 and has since gone to the semi-finals in the 2nd flight at the 1950 Thomasville City Toun^ent —Turn To Page Three