The Earth Takes A Fresh Turn Every 24 Honrs; So Must You! The Clarion This Is Your Chance VOTE!! Volume XXIV BREVARD COLLEGE, SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1957 Number 11 MAJOR ELECTION NEXT WEEK Campaigning Begins Monday In Gym Petitions For Six Major Offices Were Due Yesterday Brevard College campus should be alive with speech-making and campaigning next week. Six major office of Social Chairman; and The Student Government President, Vice-President, and Secretarj'; the office of Social Chairman; and the Editors of the Clarion and The Pertelote. Petitions were due on Friday, and the major part of the cam- paigning will take place in the gym nasium at a meeting required of all students on Monday, April 15. There will be speeches by the var ious candidates and their cam- paign managers at this time. The election will be held on Friday, April 19. in the Adminis tration building. The Student council urges everyone to parti cipate in this, the most important election of the year. The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of Brevard College are pictured above. They are: seated, left to right, Rev. James B. McLarty, Secretary and Mr. Jonathan Woody. Standing, left to right are Mr. Cary C. Boshamer, Mr. AUen Sims, Mr. Edwin L. Jones, Chairman, Mr. Clarence E. Mor gan, and President Robert H. Stamey. Mr. W. Bryan Moore, Vice Chairman, was not present when the picture was made. With These Years Has Come Progress Brevard college is in the midst of its 103rd year of religious and edu cational services to the youth of the state and the nation. Probably the greatest progress that has been made at the local in stitution has been in recent years, more particularly, in the past four years. Trustees and the administration plan to continue to push this phe nomenal growth in the facilities ol the local college until it is one of the most modern small college plants in the south. Four years ago the college had an enrollment of approximately 119 students, with inadequate fa cilities. The buildings were in a rundown condition and in need of repair. Under the direction of President Robert H. Stamey and with the help and support of the faculty and a loyal board of trustees, the college began a new period ni its history—a period that has chang ed the school from a floundering institution to one of the fastest growing institutions in the South. During this period the enrollment has increased every year, until the total enrollment for the present school year has gone to 493. The enrollment is not the only phase of the college that has grown. Many additions have been —Turn to Page Three Executive Committee Of Trustees Holds Important Planning Session Recommends Tuition Increase In 1958 Noted Mathematician To Speak In Chapel Women’s Assembly Presents Spring Frolics BULLETIN! There is a misconception floating around the campus alwut Easter weekend being a closed w^^^ejid- it is not true. Members of Stu dent Council have with numerous inquiries; this state ment is simply to relieve the Jrou- bled minds of those misinformed individuals. President Robert H- Stamey re ported to the executive committee that enrollment for this year is 493 students, and prospects for the 1957-’58 term are excellent. •'We expect another full enroll ment,” he stated, and the, presi dent recommended that four fac ulty members be added, bringing the total of fulltime teaching staff to 29. In addition, two members of the administrative personnel, Dean J. J. Stevenson and Mrs. Iona Ber ry have teaching assignments. Because of increased costs of operation and the need to raise the salaries of faculty and staff mem bers President Stamey recommend ed an increase of $100 in stpdent charges, beginning in the fall of ’58. Edwin L. Jones, the chairman, presided over the busy session. In another important action of the executive group, recommenda tion was made that the college board of trustees sell a tract of land adjacent to the radio station to the county as a site for Transyl vania’s new health center. This action will come up for fi nal approval at the next meeting of the trustees on May 3rd. Approval was also given to the construction of another staff resi dence on the campus of Brevard college near the president’s home. This will be the fifth new home that has been built for faculty members during the past two years. Approximate cost will be $20,000, and it will be erected by L E. Bagwell, contractor. Chante! Danse! Mange! Pardon moi but so enthused- about the Spring Frolics, Saturday night, that I think I got my French confused. This is an annual event spon sored by the Women’s Assembly (And you know it’s going to be le meilleiir). This year the theme is “Springtime in Paris”. Gala col ored decorations, French pastri^, and terrific entertainment vylU constitute this special occasion. What an enchanting evening you will have dancing to the music Dr. John W. Cell, of North Caro lina State College, has been invited to visit Brevard College as a speak-paris loves! Come and wear Depart-1youj. i^est ensemble. er by the Mathematics tnent. Dr. Cell will be on campus j .■\pril 23rc and 24th. | The subject of his talks will cer- j tainly concern and interest each! student. Dr. Cell will speak in Chapel on the 24th about the need for mathematics in many fields of activities, and will give a descrip tion of the sort of work done by mathematicians. He will be avail able on the night of the 24th for a discussion with the mathematics and engineering students; he plans'to bring with him a small an alog computer and will give some details of its general use. Dr. Cell is outstanding in the world of Mathematics and is list ed in AMERICAN MEN OF SCIENCE; at North Carolina State he divides his time between teach ing mathematics, directing gradu ate thesis, and serving as techni cal director for a project conduc ted by the Ballistic Research Lajb- oratiries of Aberdeen Grounds. See you there at 8:00. Mid-Semester Dean’s List Released The Dean’s List for the Spring Mid-Semester was released on Ap ril 3rd by Mrs. Brona N .Roy, Re corder. There were fifty students who received this honor. Those on the list include: Patricia Allison, Jane Allred, Jane Ardrey, Paul Blackburn, Lin da Boliek. Ole Borgen, Janice Brown, Mrs. Doris Brundage, Carl Buchanan, Jimmy Callowey, Myra Carpenter, Harry Caudelle. Edwin Dacus, Ronald Danid, Barbara Davis, James Few, Chris tine Fisher, Ruth Haney, Charles Hilbers, Vinvent Hoots, Neill How ell, John Huggins, Grace Hunter, Sue Jackson, til Donna Johnson, Jerry King, Eu- Proving 1 gene Ladd. Rayford Ledford, V'lO- i —Turn to Page Two CALENDAR OF EVENTS April 16 Special Easter Service—Christian Fellowship (6:30) April 19 Magic Through Science (6:3ft-9:00) April 20 Movie in Auditorium (7:^) April 21 - Easter Sunrise Service April 27 r Spring Folk Festival (7:30)