the clarion May 25, 1957 Pi\GE TWO An Era Has Ended across 'J'HE DESK An era in the history of Brevard CoUeige ^ ery college ended whe„ President Robert H. S.amey ^ f “ e.d«i when President ;;a7 MeLarty. Jr. [[S “SSei T‘Ss-” - of «ce president and K^. Emmett Ke y TlTTlGtt ■ iiniib • miiph is in.- becomes the new “‘|^“7..:^ ihe iiv contemplatii-on of this of this institution. A Tribute sincerity counts for much, endea vor is worth more than all save sin cerity. A person who has had to work for a living and keeps both of these attributes has proved him self. Such a person who is inter- vP«r neriod which ends with mness last fall was a|ested in helping others in a teach- year p v,ono-A that i-plief of somei^ _„ i= tni]v rare. This President Stamey’s change :roffTc; is one that has been ^B^^ai« lear indication that relu^ ! ing capacity is truly rare. This ^ means an interest not only in teach f'i!3aesi.deiit Robert H. Siamey filled with growth, the rais inff of standards, and an ex tensive building ^ Pi’ogram. President Stamey s states man-like way of conducting all college affairs has cer tainly raised the prestige ot the college. In speaking ot President Stamey it is impos sible to speak in anythmg except superlatives. One would scarcely rec ognize the campus of Bre vard College if they had last seen it five years ago. ihe ing a certain academic sui'oject, but also, in a student’s personal life CTood member of his commua- most gracious in this matter. I look forward to my association .35 ^ President McLarty. I shall &eek 10.. ^ respectable citizen, give him the assistance whicli 1 j among us such a per- Leded so desperately during the,^^^ past five years. I regard this move j Brevard College as a forward step in the progressive , development of th^ institution. | integrated herself and has The next five years should, be moi e signifkant in'the history of Bre vard College than the past five. A new day is upon the horizon. As we come to the end of anoth er year and the end of my tenure her hand on the pulse of our be loved college. Her interest in stu dents is surpassed by none. She has not only fulfilled her academic po sition to the best of her ability, but she has taken on the yoke of new dormitories, the Campus Center and a the Administration Building has taken place in , ingjiv, short period of five years. The college is now e^gag in the biggest building program in its one hundred years o ^^^^e entire campus was saddened when illness struck President Stamey at the beginning of this year; as a result »f this illness, he will have to slacken his customary pace. Jfo matter what pace is suggeted by a physician will d wha± h© thinks necessary for the betterment of Brevard College^aking entire student body, I am privileged t» mve to you our heartfelt thanks and appreciation tor year sincerity, hard work and influence. This is our trib ute to you. Annual Is Dedicated as President., I wish to take this op-1 [^g.i. assigned extracur- . .. The entire staff of the Clarion would like to take this opportun- poftunity to express my apprecia tion to the alumni, the Board of | Trustees, fadulty, staff, students >c_uu . and generous friends of the col-j lege for their support and coopera-1 recoS'^i^'^ appre- ;ion during these years. Some great I y advisor to the advances have (been made. Let us: Sigmon, thanks! rejoice in these accomplishments and look forward to the future with 1 . ^old Meeting, confidence under new leadership.^ Officers Will Be Elected Letter To The Students j An alumni luncheon at 12:30 p. in. on Saturday, June 1, 1957, will i initiate commencement activities. . ... I At this meeting new alumni offi- Another year of college is ®wift_ ■ 1957.58 will be ly drawing to an end. This time of members of this year’s graduating class will be guests of again. We are happy in that we The traits of understanding, patience, friendliness, sin- *‘pritv and straightforwardness certainly describe the ded-^ _ “J-fsei T. S, ™t: stadents, helping them prepare for a more abundant and til life. ; To Sue Jackson, editor of the Pertelote and her entire staff, a resounding “thank you’’ for the 1957 Pertelote. A catsual glance through the glossy pages will certainly ^ow the arduous work that went into its publication. I think I speak for the entire student body when I say "Congratulations on a job well done.” the year brings mixed emotions to everyone. New friends have been 'Asociation and will be made by everyone, s»me we shall welcomed into the Asso- see often in the future, while there • ^^e alumni president, are others whom we may never see It’s Been Great! we hate to leave our dear friends, this college, and even the hills or I iiTiountains around the tow’n of | Brevard. 1 If I may, I would like to thank each and every student here at Brevard College for the faith and confident;e they have shown in me. As I looked over some of the things written in my annual about me by some of the students. I feel Alumni To Elect Officers At Meeting The annual spring business ses sion of the Brevard, Weaver, and Rutherford College alumni wiU be held Saturday, June 1st. Presi dent John Benfield, of Mount Hol ly, has urged alumni to attend the meeting and the graduation exer cises. With the close of the school year 1956-57, many stu- deBts will sever their educational ties with Brevard Col lege and replace them with ties of affection and sentimen tality for their alma mater. In looking over events of the past year, many names come to mind; names of people that isave devoted their time and energy to directing clubs, pub lications and student government functions. These people certainly deserve our expressions of - rhanks and congratulations: Steve Davis, student govern- ment president first semester; Pete Beatty, second semester L^'^.^eceslllv fuiml tLTtTerol president; Margie Long, secretary of the student govern ment; Sue Jackson, editor of THE PERTELOTE; Don Geatry, editor of THE CLARION; Jimmy Calloway, bus iness manager of THE PERTELOTE, M. S. M. president; Barbara Davis, president of Phi Theta Kappa; Louise Mc- Ta^g^ert, president of Sigma Pi Alpha; Paul Blackburn, r-i^ "D r-. 4- r\ r» • T lV\V\TT 1\/T /~i/~VV»/"k ^ - I A nominating com.mittee has very humble and ashamed of i chosen candidates for the election cnlf fr\T* fimac T tiMAri tn thinK - , . rr*i- >f nlumni officers. They are: self for the times I tried to think that I was somebody. I would like to speak for myself and the .'tudent council and say that we have enjoyed serving .vou ; this year, and that we sincerely. v„ a. 1 « ..llk^O I J I t 1 I i i appreciate the support given us - by the students. We realize that v/e haven’t done very much for the Presiiiert John Benfield Mount Holly. N. C. adiary—Brevard Brevard, N. C. Mv. Rilry P,;lmcr — Weaver Asheville, N. C. I\OV. R;illin Gibbs Rutherford Charlotte, N. C. lie uuLies oi „ , ~ ff. , ; ... f ' Secretarv-Treasurer my office. I hope vou will forgive ... • , ,,, ,, tv,;.- 1 Miss Dot Wallace me for this. I . i m r I v.'ant to take this opportunity i ^■■icvarf. . _ to thank every member of the stu-1 pable than I was. But I can hon- dent council this year for the|estly say that I have relied on my Ta^^ert, president of Sigma Pi Alpha; Paul Blackburn, things they have done. I believe true convictions in every decision president of Alpha Beta Gamma; Libby Moore, president;‘‘‘'-ii;t ii each of vou knew what some th::l 1 ha- ' had to make. I have of Women’.'^ A.s.spmblv: ’.Tack Kimbro. nresident of the'o^ council members have tried'iried to hnse mv actions on what I I I THE CLARION STAFF INTERCOLLEGIATE PRESS MEMBER Editor Laney Funderburk Feature Editor : Kay Johneon News Editor Charles Hilbers Sports Editor L. G. Deyton layout Robert Little Photographer Roland Peacock Advertising Jerry Brady Exchange Patty Curto, Mary Lou Parker Advisor Mrs. H. W. Sigmon things they have done. I Aipna rsexa ijamnia ; i^irjuy iviuore, presiaeiii;if each of vou knew wjiai some jtn::l 1 ha’ ' s Assembly; -Jack Kimbro, president of the'°^ council members have tried |iried to base my actions on what to do for the students, everyone i my idea ol. what the students would would seek out each member of I w ant. S.)me of the students have the student council and thank them jbeen disappointed in me, I know, personally. They have done a won- but I had 1o do what I thought was derful job in supporting me andjihe opinion of the majority. I do Xilso restraining me in some of my | not apologize for anything I have more radical ideas. They have been'done as student body president, but splendid this year and I am deeply il do apologize for the things that igrateful for what they have done. I didn’t do. In closing, I would like to say | I hope that each one you will that I have enjoyed serving you receive the best that life has to of- thIS second semester as president fer. Farewell, and God Bless each __ ao lof the student body. My only re- gret is that I was not any more ca- and everyone of you. Pete Beatty Mens Assembly; Bob Cantrell, Wodenian club president; and to all o^ers too numerous to mention, who have aided in m^ing this year a highly successful one. . i*.r. returning students will strive to carry forward the traditions and ideala set before us by these outatandii^g