Page 2 THE CLARION Tuesday, March 13,1979 Editorials Don’t Stay In Brevard By Debi Crane If you all are in a quandary over what to do during spring break, let me help you. Instead of suggesting what to do during your break let me give you some suggestions of what not to do during your spring break. I’ve always felt that it is best to start with a negative attitude in most things. I suppose that that is the in curable pessimist in me. 1) Don’t stay in Brevard if you can help it, because I am staying here and I have found that it usually rains wherever I am. So unless you are well prepared for a rainstorm or two don’t stay here. 2) Don’t plan on going to the beach to beautiful weather and then coming back here to beautiful weather. It just does not work that way. In fact, when weather is concerned here in Brevard, it just doesn’t work anyway at all. 3) If you are going to surprise some longlost aunt, cousin, grandmother etc. by a visit from you. For heaven’s sake don’t bring along ten of your best friends. 4) Perhaps it is best if you don’t do anything too ex citing over your spring break. If you stick to the more boring things in life during this week - Brevard won’t look so bad when you come back. 5) Don’t break any bones while you are away for break. Sure it gets you a lot of attention when you come back, but believe me it isn’t worth it. I could go on and on, but I am surethatyou all have got better things to pack. Martha Nolen No One Else Like Her It is people that help to make a college com munity more than just ordinary. It is people that help to make a college community great. One person here at BC who really helps to make BC a college is Martha Nolen. There is no need to explain to any of our readers who Martha is because she is probably more well known around campus than anybody else. Martha takes a personal interest in all of our lives. She doesn’t take a mechanical attitude to her job instead she brings a smiling face and a kind word. Just about the first face anyone sees upon walking into the Administration Building is that of Ms. Nolen. She always takes the time to look up from what whe is doing to give a friendly hi, how are you, to passerby. The day isn’t over for Martha at 4:30...Instead she takes it upon herself to be the cheerleaders mentor and to atttend practically any event that is anything here at BC. She joins in our triumps and feels our woes. She is Martha, there is no one else like her, and we are proud to have here at BC. The triumphant team returns to B.C. Photos Courtesy of Transylvania Times. We Like Being No. 1 It feels good to be number one...let’s correct that, it feels great to be number one. The Brevard College basketball team, the Region 10 champions, have given all of us here at B.C. a reason to be proud. Pride is a wonderful feeling. THE CLARION is glad that Coach Meyerhoff and his boys have let us share in their triumph. True, we would have been proud of our team even if they hadn’t come away from the tournament victorious. You might say that this victory is merely icing on an already iced cake. To say thank you to our team for a wonderful season doesn’t even begin to express the way feelings are riding here at B.C. You all brought us a moment of triumph and for once the words, we’re number one, were more than just words to the B.C. community. It feels great to be on top. It is in moments like these that we all feel a great deal of pride to be a part of a winning season. So to Coach Meyerhoff and the team we say thank you. Good Work Cheerleaders Being a cheerleader is more than just meets the eye. Being a cheerleader is putting in long hours learning new cheers and stunts...THE CLARION would like to commend our squad. We feel that our cheerleaders are among the ablest in our conference, our state and our country. You girls and boys should get some of the credit for our great season. We feel that behind every team there has to be a group of devoted followers who are willing to cheer their team on to victory. Not only do we wish to congratulate our BC cheerleaders, we would also like to take this space to congratulate the amature cheerleaders here at BC. By this we mean you the students and fans at BC who put just as much joy into their cheers. Thank you all. THE CLARION Brevard College, Brevard, N.C. 28712 Published during the college session by students of Brevard College. The opinions expressed in this periodical are those of the editorial board and not necessarily those of the college. Editor^n-Chief Debi Crane MikeEdmiston Features Editor Tom Snyder Sports Editor Bobby Hayes Photographers Ron Grenier, Chuck Miner Reporters Mark Lowdermilk, Alan Baker, Debbie Willenborg, John George, Donna Mulford,’ Scott Singletary, Vanessa Davis,’ Carol Miles, Tim McGuire, Peggy Mudd Ken Chamlee Write In And Win In case you missed it on the front page, I would like to remind you about our essay contest. We decided to run this contest in order to make our Award’s Day entry a little more interesting. We wanted to involve the whole campus in on our project. We thought that it would really be neat to give an award to someone else other than ourselves. The subject is, “Why I Chose a Junior College”. It is my hope that we will receive many good entries and that our decision as judges will be a very hard one to make. Please help us to make this contest a very suc cessful one. Thank you, Debi Crane Do you know someone who you think is very in teresting? Do you have some special interest which you think would be of interest to our readers? If you have any ideas about possible contributions to THE CLARION please submit them to Debi Crane, Box 144 or Mr. Chamlee. Again we must remind you that we except and urge reader contributions to our publications. So we all make mistakes.. .THE CLARION is cer tainly no exception to this rule. We are very sorry about our last issue in which we mistakenly called Mr. Alderman, Mr. Anderson. It is certainly of credit to Mr. Alderman that eveyone still knew who we were referring to. Sorry Mr. A.