Wednesday, April 25,1979 THE CLARION page two Letters Editorials See You In September (More or Less) O.K. So you all just had that I would definitely be to sit through another worthy of; award’s day. I ask you. 1) Most cuts in a no-cuts- Isn’t it the pits? I mean, allowed class, what is wrong? 2) Most nearly passing I always sit on the edge grades in one course, of my seat waiting for 3) Highest honors in them to call my name, unadulterated B.S. Every name that begins 4) Best pothole- with a ‘D’ gets me excited, avoidance driving Until I find out that the‘D’ 5) The treble clef, for is attached to a Dorothy or best in-shower singing, a Delia or (worse yet) (This could also be ac- another Debbie. companied by the tin-ear, Ever since junior high I for best out-of-shower have been waiting to singing, receive an award. 6) Most GSWA mistakes Needless to say, I haven’t in one paper, received one. If I ever do 7) Most obnoxious receive one I will probably person before 10:00 a. m. die right on the spot from The above are just a few the release of a tremen- of the fields in which I feel dous amount of pent-up I excel in. Why no one sees energy. fit to honor any of them is Since every year my beyond me. chances for being a winner I have to go now. Time is dwindle somewhat, I have growing short.I have to decided to offer my ex- plan my reactions and pertise on the subject to write my acceptance the Honor’s Day Com- speech for nexf year’s mittees of Future years. Honor’s Day — Good-by Hereforth I present to you and see you in September a few awards which I feel (more or less) Last Goodbye ' Well you all this is our final issue of the year, ii brings a few tears to my eyes when I realize that another whole school year has gone by. A lot of you will be leaving Brevard for the last time. I suppose that we can all be happy in knowing that the faces may change, but Sliding rock and the Swinging Bridge will still be there. I would like to add my good-byes to everyone else. At this time I would also like to add a few special thanks for a great year as editor. First, I would like to thank Mr. Ken Chamlee for being a great advisor. I would also like to thank all the staff members. Everyone knows that without writers, a paper can’t exist. Lastly, I would want to thank you all, the readers. Thank you for reading us and I hope that we proved to be a publication that serves some other purpose than just cleaning windows. Letter to the Editor in Chief April 13,1979 Clarion IN DEFENSE OF MY FRIEND “MAUDE” This is my rebuttal to the letter in the last Clarion issue attacking my close and dear friend “Maude” who is a kind, generous, courteous, classy lady. I cannot image what might have transpired to give the writer of the letter the impression that Maude was grumpy, but in the event that she was, let me present some possible reasons why. To begin with, the writer assumed the price of a hamburger and fries automatically assured him/her courteous, considerate, smiles as dessert. Not so! Consideration, kindness and courtesy cannot be bought, it is usually returned when given. I have seen these ladies get up to wait on customers as many as six times while trying to have one sandwich for lunch. So, lack of con sideration on the part of some students may have contributed to the alleged grumpiness of Maude. So now that I have lectured you sufficiently and defended my dear friend, let me challenge you. For just one day, make everyone you meet respond to you with kindness, politeness and consideration. It can be done, it all depends on how you approach them. I have found over the years, that if you are extremely nice, pleasant and smiling to everyone you meet, they will be to embarrassed to respond to you in any other manner. So for today, make it your smile day”, and remember, the next person you see may have personal problems that you are unaware of and your smile could be the thing that gets them thru the day. Kindness is contagious, lets start an epidemic on campus. To the writer of the letters; we strongly disagree about our friend Maude, but I do love you and will smile to you every time I see you. Have a good day! Martha Nolen Dear Editor-in Chief and Staff, I apologize to you for not thanking you sooner for the beautiful editorial about me in the Clarion issue, March 13th. As you know I spent 8 days in Hutchinson, Ka at the NJCAA tournament and I think it put me 8 weeks behind in my work in the office. Now that I have finally found time to properly thank you, I hardly know what to say. I have never been able to accept compliments gracefully not enough experience, I guess. But thank you from the bottom of my heart, I was very deeply touched. I still turn back to it and read it again during some of my trying times and it gets me thru the day. The compliments I have received from others in relation to the editorial made me feel lo feet tall and did wonders for my ego (not to much on the ego, I hope). Again, thank you. THE CLARION Brevard College, Brevard, N.C. 28712 Published during the college session by students of Brevard College. The opinions expressed in this periodical are those of the editorial board and not necessarily those of the college. Editor-in-Chief. ^ Debi Crane News Editor • * Features Editor Tom Sports Editor Photographers Ron Grenier, Chuck Miner Reporters. Mark Lowdermilk, Alan Baker Debbie Willenborg, John George, Donna Mulford,’ Scott Singletary, Vanessa Davis, Carol Miles, A H vicnr ' - McGuire, Peggy Mudd Ken Chamlee Sincerely, Martha Nolen Miscellaneous Unfortunately, Brevard College’s library magazine, THE CHIAROSCURO was unable to come out this year. We are bringing you a mini- CHIAROSCURO on the middle two pages of THE CLARION. The literary editor for this publication was Steve Mickey. Fred Wise served as art editor. Exam permits were issued on Friday, April 20th. If you did not receive one then check with the Business Office to determine what charges are still outstanding. All parking fines, library fines, and room damage fines as well as tuition balances and loans must be settled before ex- maination permits will be issued. Take care of your account today. Spring is here and with it come the beautiful tulips and daffodils that decorate our campus. Many hours of hard work and care went into creating the attractive flower beds in front of the administration build ing and beside the cafeteria, so let’s be sure that everyone gets a chance to see and appreciate them. Do you know someone who you think is very in teresting? Do you have some special interest which you think would be of interest to our readers? If you have any ideas about possible contributions to THE CLARION please submit them to Debi Crane, Box 144 or Mr. Chamlee. Again we must remind you that we except and urge reader contributions to our publications.