The Clarion Literary Supplement Tuesday, May 1, 1954 MY FATHER’S SONG I never heard my fathers song, The rich, warm airs that filled our home. My father sang to me In flowing rythms of past youths. But I had no song of my own. I never listened to my father’s voice. The full, blazing crescendos And softer, mystic pastorals. Somehow he resonates yet in me Filling chambers I never knew. Providing resolutions to dissonance. I never stopped to hear His odes, ballads, and laments. Once he sang an elegy; That to my grandfather. Apprentices do not learn easy. I couldn’t hear because The melodies were obscure and the harmonies I could never sing. I didn’t hear. I was impatient. To sit in silence In a world of voices. Fragments of melody sort through my head, What I thought was noise Is a symphony. My voice stirs within me. These songs yet its own. It is a voice familar That sings the rare strains I never listened to. Frankie Drawing by Deloris Wade Jim Evins ELIZABETH She’s three years old And oh so happy It takes little to make her happy — Together we... ride the merry-go-round, make cookies, read stories, eat chocolate ice cream cones, swing, play hide-and-seek, run errands, pop popcorn, and take walks — Her mind is yet developing and she asks many questions like... what the ants have inside their tiny hills. Why I’m not a Mommy, too!, where the sun is at “darktime”, and why the thunder “Huts” her ears — A simple answer satisfies her and simple things make her smile. I’ve watched her, since birth, grow into this unique person and the changes are amazing. She won’t be this way forever, I know, but I wish I could put a top on her and keep her like she is Because she has such a way of easing my days and bringing the little girl in me back out to play — “Little Liz” — how thankful and happy I am for her special friendship! Kim White Print by Schell Simpson