Th« Clarion October 1, 1990 Page 11 BC runners improving with season ■ ^ Sprinting for the finish line at the BC Invitation al Cross Country Meet with State, BC's Craig Goodroe keeps his lead over the Wolfpack's Dvorak (who tranfered to State from BC) . Scott Tales from between the hedges... And now for the Pepto Bismol Prune Bowl... by John Wellenhofer Clarion Sports Editor been able to dopey NCAA I have never understand these conferences. Being that there are about 14 or 15 conferences in the NCAA there is almost no way to tell who has the best college football team. They are now attempting to clear it up a bit, but they only end up confusing the average tube- head guy like myself even more. The latest and greatest news is that FSU is joining the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC, for the sports expert). Boy, will they have a tough time of it. They will have to deal with power houses such as Wake's Demon Deacons and UNC-Chapel Hill's 0-12 Tarheels (or elephants). What about the puppies from N.C. State or the mighty Virginia Cavaliers and Duke Blue Devils (who had such a close one the other day. Virginia barely squeaking by with a 58-0 win.)? UM is considering joining the Big East conference (as usual I didn't know they had big East football). USC appears to be the only team with any cojones as far as this matter is concerned. They will just joined the SEC Conference with tough teams such as 'Bama, LSU, UF. Vandy and UGA. as 'Bama, LSU, UF, Vandy and UGA. South Carolina oeserves more credit than they get, but as usual you will have to find a Virginia Tech Hokie fan to tell you different With all these conferences jumping for the big Independents its a wonder that those Mormons out in Utah haven t used their power from above to rise to No. 1. BYU has a tough road schedule with big teams like San Diego State (I d forgotten that San Diego was a state) Wyoming and Air Force - all games which can be seen on ESPN at 4 a.m. Oh boy. Now it is all up to the ever- popular bowl games - the Q-Tip Cotton Bowl, Bud-Fiesta Bowl, Pepto Bismol Prune Bowl, Daisy Bowl, Cantaloupe Bowl, Melon Bowl and for the religious Granolas, the Quaker Oats Trail Mix Bowl, to pick no. I. After the big bowl game, the pencil-pushing sports writers (I don't own a pencil but I wish I did) and the coaches decide from there. It looks as if it is going to be another cream-puff season for most of the big boys - aside from Notre Dame and a few others. If by chance BYU does win the national title well, Im gomg fishing on the whiteface. I'd rather see SMU win it, after all. they did ^t Vanderbilt and they used to be the best team money could buy. We could always live with a tie, too, so on that note, just remember what my good Buddy Lou Holtz always says, "A tie is like kissing your sister, but it sure beats kissing your brother." by John Wellenhoffer Clarion Sports Editor Brevard College and some of the top XC teams in the nation squared off in Winston-Salem last weekend. BC's men's and women's teams butted heads with NCAA top-ranked teams such as Wake, Georgetown, Dartmouth, William and Mary, Houston and others. BC's best, Chris Griggs, Jeff Campbell and Craig Goodroe, finished 17th, 18th and 19th with times of 25:16, 25:17 and 25:25. The men's B race top finishers were Chris Hogan (12), John Steele (22), and Mike Kinne (31). The women’s team finished much stronger than their last meet. Holly Higgins (29), Heather Weldon (43) and Allison Cottrell (49) were the top finishers on the women's team. While both teams turned in a fine performance, the team as well as the coach agree that the course was faster than they were used to. "The Wake Forest course lacks the hill factor that we are used to, thus making it easier to roll into good mile splits." says Mike Kinne, sophomore runner. While the XC team did not fare as well as they would like to , they were far above satisfactory. Coach Rinker was pleased with the results but would like to sec the team close the gaps from the third man to the fifth man. The overall outcome of the team was good. Brevard placed 6th overall in the meet, beating the University of Houston, Virginia Tech, Appalachian State and almost beating Georgetown. BC was the only two-year school in the meet. BC's top woman at State teammate Tina Wiegerink. meet, Allyson Cottrell, right, exults with (Clarion photos by Jock Lauterer)