Friday. December 12. T 997 The editorial staff has decided to Ughten up the tone of this month’s Clarion in light of the pending exams. Hence, this vain attempt to find and publish clean humor. Some Lists and Jokes I found on the internet to be particu larly amusing are presented. So without further adieu... ACTUAL AJWOUNCEMENTSTAKENFROMPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BULLETINS 1. Don’t let worry kill you — let the church help. 2. Thursday night - Potluck supper. Prayer and medication to follow. 3. Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church and community. 4. For those of you who have children and don’t know it, we have a nursery downstairs. 5. The rosebud on the altar this morning is to announce the birth of David - Alan Belzer, the sin of Rev. and Mrs. Julius Belzer. 6. This afternoon there will be a meeting in the South and North ends of the church. Children will be baptized at both ends. 7. Tuesday at 4:00 PM there will be an ice cream social. All ladies giving milk will please come early. 8. Wednesday, the ladies’ Liturgy Society will meet. Mrs. Jones will sing, “Put me in My Little Bed” accompanied by the pastor. 9. Thursday at 5:00 P.M. there will be a meeting of the Little Mothers Club. All wishing to become little mothers, please see the minister in his study. 10. This being Easter Sunday, we will ask Mrs. Lewis to come forward and lay an egg on the altar. 11. The service will close with “Little Drops of Water.” One of the ladies will start quietly and the rest of the congregation will join in. 12. Next Sunday a special collection will be taken to defray the cost of the new carpet. All those wishing to do something on the new carpet will come forward and do so. 13. The ladies of the church have cast off clothing of every kind and they may be seen in the church basement Friday. 14. A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow. 15. At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be “What is Hell?”Come early and listen to our choir practice. Features iC. Stress Management by Amber Jefferies — ^ Stressed about exams? progress and the crunch .s upon us. Many people have when U IS exam time, and that is why I am here to ^elP stress is very simple, and there are many different ways that you could appro *Takedeepbreaths*Exercise^Pray*Takewaj™ba^^^^^^^^^^^ Listen to music like Enya * Get a massage Take ong ^ Create on your back, cross your arms over your chest and c ^ j ^ quiet surroundings at home to study in * Move^ ^wa^^ yourself, you enjoy * Drink pure spring water, lots ^ instead of everyone else * Stay away from nega P ^ ^ ^ lot of there be a “no” * Care for your soul * Drink liquids but stay away it in sessions. Study for about an While studying for your exams, orocess until your studying hour then take a 15 minute break. Keep repea i g becomes is done. If you try to study for an exam, non-s p, to every- cluttered, and you may forget everything yo stressed, one during exam time, and remember you are not the only Everyone becomes stressed once in a while. “Before I came to college I wish I had known...” I .That it didn’t matter how late I sched uled my first class, I’d sleep right through it. 2.That I could change so much and barely realize it. 3.That you can love a lot of people in a lot of different ways. 4.That college kids throw airplanes too. 5.That if you wear polyester everyone will ask you why you’re so dressed up. 6.That every clock on campus shows a different time. 7.That if you were smart in high school—so what? S.That I would go to a party the night before a final. 9.That chem labs require more time than all my classes put together. 10.That you can know everything and fail a test. II .That you can know nothing and ace a test. 12.That I could get used to almost any thing I found out about my roommate. 13.That home is a great place to visit. 14.That most of my education would be obtained outside of my classes. 1 S.That friendship is more than getting drunk together. 16.That I would be one of those people my parents warned me about. n.That free food served until 10:00 is gone by 9:50. 1 S.That Sunday is a figment of the world’s imagination. 19.That Psychology is really Biology, 20.That Biology is really Chemistry,That Chemistry is really Phys ics, and Physics is really Math. 21 .That my parents would become so much smarter in the last few years. 22.That it’s possible to be alone even when you are surrounded by friends 23 .That friends are what makes this place worthwhile!! A song about exams from an internet forward..... you get a better effect if you actually sing it.. sing to the tune of “I will survive “ “I will survive (College Version) At first I was afraid Now I’m petrified That I can’t keep my GPA of 2.5 I spent all those stupid nights Chilling way to long and that was wrong But now I must be strong And now they’re back They’re in my face 3 finals and 2 papers To be done in just 5 days I shouldn’t have gone out I shouldn’t have partied ‘cause now all this work I have is piling up on me And I must go to the library to do research on those papers And, yes I must study It’s a mess. I’ll tell you that and you know it’s not a lie But I can’t crumble can’t lay down and die Oh no not I! I will survive! If I keep a 2 point 0 At least I’ll be alive! I’ve got five more days to live and I think my brain will give But I’ll survive! I will survive! rhe Progressive Art Studies class ha: ivrapped this tree as an environmenta itatement. Photo by Yearbook staff.