into East Coast sights decent meal and looked out at the city lights of Orlando: one dollar shots, clubs, dancing and action. The city was surprisingly clean and big. Deserving an evening of fun, we danced the night away then went back to camp where we watched the sun come up while looking for sea shells. A few days in Florida and we decided we had enough. We wanted to go somewhere else. We wanted to stay on the road. The rain began as we left. This was no ordi- nary storm; this was a tornado, and it was headed our way. The fear inside of me became more and more intense as we watched this tornado forming right above our heads. Tim just kept driving; we £'."‘ saw this as a challenge and we were too stubbomly curious to turn back. We made it through safely, with my stomach in my throat and sweat pouring from my forehead. Not even a rollercoaster could have caused this much intensity. We drove ail day and all night to keep from > Indianapolis mall where we played in the big toy store and carried our feet from one floor to another of an enormous mall. Knowing we had only enough money for gas we split a Big Mac Meal at McDonalds and watched the limos pulhng in for the fancy restaurant with the sky view down the street from us. It was getting dark outside but we were determined to see the world. pay ing fora place to sleep. Instead, we used the money on gas. Nashville About 3:30am we somehow made our way to the Huddle House. We filled our bellies with warm syrupy waffles and hot coffee preparing for our next joumey. Chicago The traffic became hectic as the street turned into a four-lane road. That’s how I knew the excitement of night- life was among us. I stared in amaze ment as we passed miles and miles of skyscrapers, all competing for height. Snowy weather and $1.72 for gas is what I saw until we drove downtown, into endless streets of clubs, girls with purple hair, men with high heals and cars parked bumper to bumper on the side of the street. Is it possible to actually live in a city like this? Brevard Sunday evening brought us back to school where friends, homework and a warm bed awaited us. Spring break ended with an empty tank, pictures of the East Coast, closer friends and $.75 to my name. Louisville were in the middle of the tornado. We must have been going at least 80 miles per hour, dodging each tree limb thrown by the angry winds. I saw my life flash before my eyes as I forced myself to take pictures of the trique trous storm. We should have turned around and run for our lives, but we My attention was grabbed by the unique architecture of the buildings. We traveled on. Indianapolis The theatre came alive in front of my eyes. The gallery and the crowded streets took away from all of the troubles in the world. We made our way to the