page 2 Current Events March 5,2003 I WAR: Friend or foe? -CORTNEY CHATMAN, Sccrion Editor- Saddam Hussein and the United States gov ernment are once again rallying against one another, forecasting war between the masses. Two opposing views arise when weighing the benefits and detriments of another war with the Middle East. Cultural differences and political upheaval have created these polar opposites. Will war be the answer to all our problems or will it only manifest more for the future? It has been over a year since the Septem ber 11* terrorist attack on the United States. Hussein’s indirect support of A1 Quaeda and harboring of terrorists coupled with his re peated refusal to allow UN weapons inspec tions have led to a showdown in which a seem ingly trigger happy President George W Bush and foolhardy Hussein appear hell-bent on Gulf War Version 2.0. With an immense resistance from the in ternational community as well as growing dis content among Americans, it would seem as if the Bush administration is all alone in its bid for war. Former President GeorgeBush attempted and failed to depose Hussein in the early 1990s. Now Junior looks all too ready to finish what Daddy started. The ‘Don’t Mess with Texas’ mentality is now being applied to the United States; how ever, we are finally waking up to the fact that along with our vast global presence comes a global responsibility. We as Americans need to realize that our politicians are not always acting with our best interests in mind. Due to unprecedented corruption in all levels of gov ernment and an ever increasing intolerance of American foreign policy abroad, Americans can ill-afford to turn a blind eye on an issue that could once again cost the lives of many innocent people. The profits of another war are highly un predictable and the international view of America is being subjected to unfavorable scrutiny. It is necessary to control Hussein. As he continues to pursue nuclear capability and provide safe haven for terrorists, there is no doubt a confrontation is forthcoming. Cooperation with the global community and at home is essential now more than ever. With out the support of the United Nations and American citizens, an unfavorable outcome will be the result of Bush’s inability to work in concert with other nations, instead of alien ating them. Everyone needs to remember the impor tance of being an American. It is not having all the power and all the answers, but being one within a community of nations, bonding together to provide solutions which can ulti mately satisfy everyone. We need to slow down and realize the issues at hand. There is no need to initiate a war against the will of our allies. Cooperation with international com munities is imperative and will lead us to a more productive and successful resolution. Students Speak Out on WAR -survey by CORTNEY CHATMAN, Section Editor- be the answers to aU our problems or wiU it only manifest more problems for the future? i \ “Mon problems, much more. ” -Joe Ramos, sophomore “No, stt^ out of everybodj’s business. ” -Jessica Price, sophomore . "Make Jove, not war." -Liz Lucarelli, junior 7 thtnk the war is just a statement to kt other countries know they can’t mess with us." -Jay Spence, freshman 7 thtnk we should know all the facts before we do any thing. ” -Tara Schweizer, senior 7/ may solve some issues, but it will Just cause more problems with other people's nationally and religion. ” -Eric Rigg, junior “I think we should bomb them all Nuke 'em, kill 'em all!" -“Tex,” freshman 7 think we should stand up to those dej^ing UN regulations. ” -Paul Wiedeman, senior 7 beUeve it’s going to temporarily solve our problems, but inevitably create more for the future. ” -Keefe Callaway, sophomore 7 believe the war with Iraq or Korea will create more problems. We should not go outside the UN. ” -Dave Wenstrup, junior