March 5,2003 Editorials page 3 ff QJYl the Editor student opinions on the Alcohol Policy -TYLER HARBOUR, Editor-in-Chief- TheGrateful Dead once said, “what a long, strange trip it’s been.” I, for one, could not agree more. The sad thing about this is that it’s only the end of February and the longest trip that I have endeavored in the past few months has been to Asheville. On the other hand, my mental gas tank is almost on empty. There is a good reason that my mental state is going into decline Let’s see: an inevitable war that has about as much cause as a one- legged man in an ass-kicking contest, a presi dent who uses the words God, holy crusade, and axis-of-evU in his speeches, Valentine’s Day, Spring Break, and of course my favorite of all, the school’s alcohol policy. Alcohol PoUcy. For you students who have been under a rock or have been taking too many bong hits for past few months, then lis ten up! For some odd-ball reason it seems that every time you twiddle your thumbs someone will be pissing and moaning about the alcohol policy. It’s either too slack or too harsh, and not one single person seems to want to give in. People are having all-night parties 24/7 or someone p.a. busted a kid with beer because he/she had it out for that person. Well guess what campfire kids??? The word around the sowing circle is that if things don’t shape up then the alcohol policy is going to be canned and, once again, it will be back to using Magyver- like tactics to sneak beer inside the dorms. War. Hmm? Are we going to war to liber ate a population of oppressed people from the trigger-happy Hussein? Is our president testing his testicular fortitude? Or, is Bush using this as a way to get out of debt for blow ing the millions and miUions of dollars that it cost for him to get into office? Discuss amongst yourselves. President Bush. Was it just me or did this schlep-rock actually say: god, holy crusade, and axis-of-evil in his speeches and on national television? Is it 1755? Are we f#|% Puritans? I think the words “God, holy-crusade, and axis-of-evil” should only be used if we were bible-thumping preachers out to find witches. Valentine’s Day. Alright, so it’s almost the end of February and Valentine’s Day has come and gone, but aren’t you tired of the that one person who is always moping around during V-day, then just whines for the rest of the month about how everyone else seems to be in some great relationship besides them? Then on the other side of the scale you have that one friend who doesn’t mope, but uses Valentine’s Day as the reason why they aren’t seeing anyone, like it’s some huge conspiracy theory. If you listen to that rant long enough they might actually tell they know who the gunman on the grassy knoU was, too! The way I see things, you have two choices in life: The first, shut the f@@# up and move on. The second is a quote from a friend, “don’t worry about it, tomorrow is another day of oppor tunity.” I suggest the second choice Spring Break. Guess what everyone? Since we all decided to go to a private school, then that means that they get to make up their own rules. And that means that our break is held a week prior to over half of the nations college population. So, if you don’t mind hanging out at Club bingo hall or making it a block buster night every night, then two thumbs up for you. Am I rambling yet? Probably so, but if you’ve read this far then just remember to go against the grain and fight the power! And don’t forget that the first annual “Tackle an Administrator” has officially started. So show that special someone just how much you care the Warren Sapp way, and hit ‘em when they least expect it! Editor’s C6rner Edftot'fiBt'CWei: ly Harbour Advisor: Jill EngjUish / Editor, Sports: Dustin Free Bditor, Environmental: Cortney Chatasan Editor, CampUs News and Entertianment: Heather Ochse Layout and Design: Lindsay Shields ¥toof/Edit; Jessica Williams Photography: Kristy Mayfield Staff Writers: Jamie Davis, Rebekah PhiUippf, Elizabeth McGowan, Sara Hurtt, Sheyahshe Littledave, Heather Hinkle, Henry Westmoreland, Katie Goet2, Eric Johnson, Lark McMillan Direct Questions and Comment* to: The Clarion ■ Brevard Collie 400 N. Broad St Brevard, NC 28712 The Clarion is the student pubKcation of Brevard Col lege. ^ew* expressed J3a Xhe Oaiiott do not necc#* «adly reftect the of The Claaon gtaff, advi»or, or the adnOBittrAtlon, ttaB, iijculty ot affiliate* Brevard C^ge. -HEATHER OCHSE, Section Editor- It has been almost a year since the Alcohol Policy was put into effect. Empty botties and cans still remain in the Village, the place to legally drink, and nothing is being done. For students who are able to drink freely and keep the peace, trash is still an issue. It doesn’t need to be. Students who litter our campus should be responsible enough to pick it up upon realizing that they dropped something. In order to continue drinking on campus at free will, we need to accept the responsi bility that comes with it. Permission to drink in certain areas of the campus is a privilege. Not many colleges permit this. Let’s not abuse this right just because drinking allows us to be happy for a short period of time. Direct violations of this rule are stated in our Student Handbook. Everyone, whether you drink or not, should read this rule. ‘7 don’t really hatt aprobltm uith the alcoholpoHcy, hut if people want to drink th^ willfind a way re gardless. " —Bonnie Adams, sophomore "I think there's more litter than last year since the poHy.” -Beth Lineweaver, junior ‘7 agree with the alcoholpoH(y as long as the students dean up afier themselvts. Those who drink should dean up their area, the policy will remain as a re sult " — Carrie Campbell, senior ‘7 don't notice any difference considering I Ht>e in Beam." -Lindi Lagman, senior “It rtalh/ hasn’t made a difference. I’m going to drink anyway.” — “Hutch”, junior “People are going to do it anywc^- so it’s a good thing for those who can drink. ” —Linda Stanfield, se nior “If you’re twenty-one you should be able to drink. When I do turn twenty-one I won't be able to because of the living situation. 1 can't afford to live in the “wet” Village." —Trent Bass, junior 'It’s nice to have a drink and he able to drink when you want to." -M.L. Cosby, junior Columbia Fumble If the shit hasn’t officially hit the fan by now, well hells beDs. I am as clueless as our president and misinformed as most of our lackadaisical generation. I swear if we had any higher a casualty rate in the past year and a half, in terms of senseless acts of violence, destruction, etc. we’d be competing with the likes of Total Recall and Deep Impact. To be blunt, the Columbia accident super sucked. A legal-to-drink age space shuttle (or perhaps I should restate, The Space Shutde), worn( the latest mission) by a conspicuously- consuming America, who in a laughable at tempt to keep the economy floating by backpedaling harder than Trent Lott, ignites the over oxygenated, inflated public image(takes a nose-dive in the atmosphere) of safety a frugal government fiinds. Our arro gant, natural resource slurping, big brother/ bully Uncle Sam must take the blame? Where are their priorities? The nerdy (scientist civil ian) nephew, who never found playing “army” with his other cousins worthwhile, must be getting gypped by Ole Money Bags Sam. There points a finger. Is the money to build a $4 billion space truck worth preserving seven other lives? Ex cluding die fact space exploration will take the back-burner (like what die Challenger did to the space program) to the inner-worldly pri ority of war, astronauts take a not dissimilar risk as policemen, soldiers, etc on the job. The conquest for land or space has its pile of corpses alongside its “pioneering” instruments. Dose this condition of astronauts’ voyaging qualify them as heroes? No. Bold frontiers men, but not heroic. It’s a gulp of reality, but should space travel continue? Do cops file out when a “member of the force” takes a slug? With a given decrease in federal spending to ward the space program, especially as the Co lumbia accident appears as more a failure than a tragedy, is space travel a priority worth con sidering? Hell no! Even if NASA was satu rated with Uncle Sam’s sustenance sauce, the almighty buck, research and analysis should start to supercede development in a matter of at least a decade. Those inept NASA engineers must be to blame. Expensive foam and heat sensors fall ing off a spaceship just might warrant some negative criticism. As pointing yet another fin^ ger adds littie resolve to die game of “Who Takes the Dung Heap?” I say, “back to the textbooks.” Perhaps, not unlike the Septem ber 11* attacks, America, specifically NASA should quietiy step down from their glamor ized launch pad and reexamine their inner workings more so than their die parachutist, frequendy fantastical relations with the me dia, fostering a false perception of security/ safety.