B R E \ A R D C () L L E C E a Pisi oyci' liri'yai d Di'iLfHi'r }oiir\cl( CLARION degree at the University of Colorado in Councelling and eventually to University of Denver College of Law where she earned her Juris Doctorate. After serving in several college administrations as Assistant Dean and Dean of Students, Brevard College being her fifth such position, she has had experience in a variety of student populations. In the role of Dean, Dr. Yoweli hopes to project her willingness to help the students in their academic pursuits, h( openness to help in other areas, and her sense of fairness. ‘ think of myself as a straight shooter,” says Dr. Yowell. The Clarion staff asked Dean Yowell about the recently revised alcohol policy in The Village and how she has dealt with alcohol issues in the past. She had this to say: “The majority of disciplinary cases on college campuses involve alcohol.” College life is heavy with decisions and Dean Yowe sees responsibility as the student’s priority when it comes to alcohol issues. “Students are accountable for their own actions.” Dean Yowell’s experience in college administration and h( warm, insightful, nature are a welcome addition to the Brevar College community. Freshman Spotlight, Matt Hutchins by Katie Lobdell, staff reporter Matt Hutchins is a freshman here at Brevard College from, Nashville Tennessee, where a distant cousin who attended BC told him about the school. Matt is here on a Baseball scholarship, and plays Senior Spotlight, Raiford Hudson by Katie Lobdell, staff reporter Raiford Hudson is a talented painter and can be found working hard on her paintings in the art studio on campus. She is having her senior art show this semester and it’s sure be a great one. In her beginning as talented child, her mothf put her in art classes while she did errands around the community of Buck Head Sandy Springs, Georgia, just outsic of Atlanta. 11/24/2003 http: //www .bre V ard.edu/clari on/ features. asp