The Clarion ’ 4 SGA E1|gtion Rt suits afterj! D' '.inctivefFig lie Pisga^. No Longer \ngered.^l|ut Sensitive Brevard College April 1, 2004 Campus News- Campus Spint m iieville’s Faa^ite, Music Ven^l ' Top Stories '■ Features Hditorials CampusNews Communit\- News Environmental News Snorts News Arts & Entertainment Le^tters to the Editor Sports activities, such as women's basketball are exceUent ways students can show school spmt. Men’s and Women’s. 1 Basketball Falls Short Heather Ochse Student involvement is important on the Brevard College campus. Not only does it better the student’s self-esteem, but it will also help the student work well widi other students and eventuaUy the working world Brevard CoUege aUows students to become active in the organizations he or she IS interested m. Activities that these organizations sponsor help the student to be active in both the clubs and Brevard College. SHE FUl.E ARTICLE page D2 Pep Band 'The “HejSong,” ‘Tequila,” “Louie Touie,” ‘Woolj hully," ‘OldTime Bj)ck &Koll,” which of these songs don’t draw you to the flame?' Jennie Howdl The Brevard CoUege Pep Band coordinators, April Banks and Davis Whitfield-Cargile are very energetic about playing at the Basket Ball games to liven it up a bit. Although the Pep Band has not been as active as they had hoped this year, CT1TJ, page D3 Transylvania County Invitational Features Local Ceramics Artist Katherine LobdeU Mary Murray has a strong respect, and love for the art of pottery making. Mary derives a lot of her inspiration from the weU-known potter Jane Piser. When looking A group of garden around her studio sculptures by Mary postcard prints of other artist’s works. . . gRt PIJLL ART1CI.E page D4 The Clarion is p^blish^by and for the students at Editor the editor should be emailed to Heather Page D1 httD://www