The Clarion Brevard College May 1, 2004 Features He says....She says. What should a guy do/not do on a date... She Says: Before you take her out, find out what she is expecting on this date. It is the century and some women don’t like to have the door held for them, or they like to pick up their part of the c ec . ave a general idea about what kind of person she is. That way the date will be pleasant and not ave too many awkward moments. I am going to write this fi-om the point of view of how I would like to be treated on a ' • 8«y should be courteous, don’t expect to get laid tbat uight. Fmd out where she would t° go or siJiprise her with her favorite place. Open doors for your date! Open t e car oor jmDression brine Btaurant or movie theater or wherever you decide to take her. If you want to make a good mpress.on, g a single rose or some sort of flowers. Trust me boys this works. Offer to pay! As I said, some girls won't wan. you to do this, but at leas, offer. If they say no you saved a couple of bucks; if they say yes, well, then cough it up. her then Don’t talk about yourself all the time. Try and split the talk b;twe» tejW you. questions. If you seem interested in her she’ll respond ^ter to you m in yourself. Listen to her. Don’t just ask her something then blank out. ^ think you hstening to them. And we like to ask you to repeat the last thing we jus weren’t listening. : • j hpr First ask her if you may have this dance : If you take her to a place that has dancing, dance • w to dance then steer clear of ecause some girls don’t like to dance. If you cannot dance or y ^ e dancing places. When the date is finished, take her horn . ^ '®e you had, at which time you then either ask her out ^ ^ you can kiss her good night; : *'t have a good, then don’t make any plans for the yes, don’t push it. ; ‘°n’t assume that she wants to be kissed. If she says no, don t take ottense, u n’t rail her that night. Girls are impatient when they Calling her. Don’t wait a week to call her, bu ° nr the night after, but don’t wait to long. they wilTbe receiving a phone call. So call her the next mght or the mght .brevard. edu/clarion/ Page B2