The Clarion February 28, 2005 Election Special Where do they stand? A comparison of SGA Who are you? What office are you running for? What is your platform? Why should students vote for you? Jayne Hall President An administration that works efficiently and effectively for the college community. Active communi cation with the students via an interactive SGA webpage. I am experienced in leading small groups effectively and can lead a unified working executive board. Justin Holstein President Making SGA more active and visible. I will see to it that their voices are heard. I will provide no excuses, only positive results. If you vote for me all of your wildest dreams will come true. Sara Lange President To allow students to voice their opinions. SGA meetings should deal with issues that we the students have recognized and would like to see changed. 1 am Campus Activities Board President and a member of Brevard Environmental Educators, Chemistry Club, and Presidential Circle. Jordon Huppert Vice President To bring change to the campus that will benefit students and the campus. 1 pledge to listen. I have the skill and the experience necessary to run Senate meetings and to make sure our relationship with the faculty runs smoothly. Ethan Smith Vice President Brevity, efTiciency and productivity. 1 can get the job. 1 possess the language skills necessary. Kody Kinsley Treasurer To assist club members in creating a focused budget. 1 am a leader, dedicated and consider ate. Elise Smith Secretary 1 will inform students of all decisions. 1 will fight for the concerns of all. Name your qualms and I'll voice ’em. 1 will not let the students go unaware or their opinions unconsidered. Jessica DesRochers Secretary No Response No Response