Page 10 The Clarion April 19, 2005 Opinion The good and the bad The best and the worst from the last few weeks by Hall Penn Editor-in-Chief Tiger's amazing chip-in on the 16th hole at ij Augusta National that led to his fourth green jacket. Bill Frist planning to speak to a Kentucky church rally against filibusters, saying they're used "against people of faith." The campuswide discussion about the football team. The President’s nomination of John Bolton as U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Republican threats to the judicial branch. & 'Liiitrr View Freshmen need to grow up by Heather Hinkle Staff Writer 1 have been listening for over half a semester to freshman complaining about the new BCEl 10 Quest class. 1 have heard that it is “pointless, to challenging, school work takes away from other classes, and many more.” 1 know that I am a junior and that 1 hav^ not taken this class, but 1 just wanted to tell all you freshman out there to suck it up! You are not in high school anymore. Welcome to college! Classes are supposed to be challenging, and if you don’t like it McDonalds is hiring down the street. I’ll even give you a recom mendation. This is just one of those things in life you have to doi and complaining about it will not help the situation. You are still going to have to pass the class to graduate like all the other students that come after you. I seldom hear anyone complaining about taking a mandatory) English or Biology course, so why complain now? Is it because the freshman class has the idea that, “Well the sophomores didn’t have to do it, so why do we?” If your going to complain about it, do it in a constructive manner instead of just randomly spewing out negative remarks about a progrjim in its first year. A program in its first year is going to have lots of kinks, but I feel that learning to think critically and becoming a better rounded individual is worth all the little hiccups. There are going to be many situations in your life where you are not going to like doing something but you will have to do it anyway. So once again, suck it up, grow up, stop complaining, and welcome to college! The First Amendment © 2005 Hall Penn ■ l/etters Policy The Clarion reserves the right to edit any letters for length and content. All letters must be signed. Send letters to: The Clarion. Brevard College, 400 North Broad Street, Brevard. NC 28712 Send email to: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free^e^rcize thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press" Brevard College The Clarion Senior Staff Hall I. Penn Jr. Editor-in-Chief Matt Rutherford Entertainment Editor Joel Graham Head Photographer Adam Beeson Managing Editor Dr. John Padgett Faculty Adviser I The opmpM expreMtd on thi. page are the opinbtn of Ihe rMpeclive mlhora. md do nol necenarily rrftecl Ihe opinions of Brevard College