SGA Minutes, 3-16-05 continued from page 4 -Heather: what is the money specifically for? -Jenn: planning on 50 people- long list of ingredients for a cookout; original plan to have the weekend before exams and then amended to Springfest -Jamie: suggest don’t do it on Springfest; night before reading would be great -Jenn: no dealine on the project; Cameron Austin is the faculty advisor and will be cooking -Heather: have you looked into vegetarian options? -Jayne: could you ask John Crowe for donations -Jenn: the $100 will cover 50, donotions will cover extra; hoping to appeal to everybody -Heather: why aren’t other groups asking for money? -Jenn: all doing different projects j- • Kody moves the previous question; 5 yes; 8 no; 4 abstain; Kody s motion denied, still open for -Kimberly: how are you going to get people involved? Had a bonfire last night and only 20 people s p -Leigh-Anne: Have you asked grocery stores for donations? -Jenn: will ask for donations, again money not spent will be returned to SGA -Jamie: suggests go back to class and ask people to look into other options then come back-should have enough -Pat: holding it during Springfest would give a variety and $100 not unreasonable -Josh: next to tent could be hazardous... tu a p -Catherine: Dance til 1:30 and CAB wants as much participation as possible; could take away rom e anc -Heather: do the night before reading day reft -Kody: not everyone will want to go to the dance so having some variety will only bene it p g -Jamie: it’s not SGA’s job to decide date -Elise: could there be a liability issue with students/faculty advisor cooking? -Dean Yowell; no -Leigh-Anne: not fair to have to vote when BCE group still unprepared -Jayne: John Crowe might get all the money donated -Jenn: money not used will be returned -Jamie: we should be careful how we use our fiinds -Yak: if we allocate money, the group won’t get it right away ■ a ■ a Heather moves to extend discussion; Jamie 2nds; 3 yes; 9 no, 1 abstain, motio Allison calls the previous question; Kody 2"‘‘; 12 yes; 0 no; 4 abstain, approve working on revising the current Kody: CRC Constitution Presentation (Kody is co-chair); CRC put a Folders by next week; asking for a 3 Constitution; handed out an overall comprehensive plan; Constitution will be avai a e on resembling the U.S. govern- »«k infom,a,™ p„i„a; Comprehensive recommended b, President Vm-Horne; wan. .0 ran something resembl, g '"ent more efficient, more effective; -3 branches: Legislative, Judicial, CAB -Bicameral Legislature- Senate and House . entity -Want to incorporate CAB into SGA more; would like money to go through ^ president or an appointee of the -House: 17 representatives-subject to grow and change (similar to U. S. House , p jjrect voice for clubs and from president of the club; 1 person from each club; all assigned to 4 permanent committees, a v ^ House—presides over all clubs—guarantees club opinions istead of Senate dealing with it; Org Comm C House—want CAB to work with clubs and organizations of committees; Speaker will be elected; important to inclu e thines are done effectively clubs to hold activities; Speaker and CAB President will work closely together to m e^ur class—all these will be -Senate: we’re lacking a class definition in our current situation, created a Presi , t^uly represent the student-body; Senators; elected positions; more decision-making power to Senate so important meet to discuss sponsoring «'«^ions give truer representation; freshman class will hold a freshman class meeting; classes meet -Justin: how will you decide what a “freshman” is? -will be based on credit hours. Elections Committee may make some changes