November 4,2005 ] The Clarion NEWS Page 3 Joint SGA meeting covers mascots, energy by Zach Browning Staff Writer The student government association held its monthly meeting between the house and senate on Tuesday, October 25. New items on the agenda included the formation of a maintenance committee, the need to conserve energy on campus, fu ture SGA service projects, and mention of changing the college mascot. It was decided that five people would comprise the newly formed Maintenance committee. This committee would be re sponsible for serving as a liaison between students and maintenance workers as well as upper level administration. The goal is to effectively communicate students con cerns over things like campus safety to those who are in position to handle it. Some of the concerns students brought up were the need for better lighting around cam pus, more handicapped access, and air con ditioning in Beam Administration building. The need to conserve energy is greater than ever, with cold weather already here and the cost of heating at an all time high, keeping warm can become very costly. Brevard College takes great pride in its ef forts to remain an “Eco-Friendly” campus, Democrat continued from page I more effectively with Republicans (on faith-based issues)...stand up and be ab solutely clear.” Through a “lecture” based on his torical context, Meek explained his con cept behind the Democratic party and its role in the United States. From the early times of the republic through today’s ad ministration, Meek said that the Demo cratic party has always stood for a “democratic community.” “In a democratic community, you have a responsibility and an obligation for others,” Meek said. “The Democratic party stands for responsibility, opportu nity, and freedom.” Meek said the party has always pro vided benefit for the American people. “It was the Democratic party who gave women the right to vote...passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964...and passed so students were asked to follow a few simple guidelines. Keeping windows closed is imperative to staying warm. You should also close any blinds you have at night; it helps to insulate the windows bet ter. During daylight hours, you should open the blinds to allow sunlight to warm what it can. Some other things suggested were turning off lights when you leave a room, and maybe take shorter showers. The ben efits for all of this: avoiding a hike in tu ition next yean Brevard College might be getting a new mascot. The idea was proposed by CJ Jascur, who is currently involved in re searching possibilities. Since there will be a football team next year, and BC will be come an NCAA school, there needs to be a change. There will be a survey sent out in the next few weeks via E-mail for all stu dents who wish to make suggestions. The SGA went through several ideas for up coming projects both on campus and in the community. With the holidays fast approaching, the SGA mentioned host ing a community service project to help those less fortunate, no details on that yet. On campus a few things mentioned by stu dents were the need for new bike racks outside the buildings, the need for more the Voting Rights Act of 1965,” he said. Meek went on to say that it was also the Democratic party that “adopted all major protection laws,” citing Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the Clean Water Act, and the Clean Air Act as examples. ' “Patriotism to a Republican is a love for country,” Meek said. “Patriotism for a Democrat is a love for countrymen. You can’t be a patriot,” Meek said, “if you lie and manipulate the facts to send fellow countrymen to war.” Jerry Meek has served as the chair of the N.C. Democratic Party for nine months, and before that, served as State and National President of the Teen Demo crats and Chairman of the Cumberland County Democratic Party, before being nominated for the N.C. House of Repre sentatives. From 2003-2005, he served as First Vice Chair of the N.C. Democratic Party. flowers on campus, and the possibility of incorporating a wider variety of cable chan nels available to students. Announcements Brevard Fencing won against West ern Carolina 16 to 9 The chemistry club will be selling UV Bracelets and UV Nail polish. Bracelets will sell for 50 cents; the nail polish will be 4.00 a bottle. On November 11'*', Dr Bob Cabin will be taking a group of students to tour the campus of Warren Wilson College. The group will be learning how Warren Wilson saves energy, and plan to get ideas from their “Eco-Dorm”. Contact Dr Bob Cabin for more information. The Student Government Association holds its joint meeting between the house and the senate on the last Tuesday of each month. Students should watch for E-mail announcements. The Clarion is now online wwwixevaitLedu/ clarion