Page 12 COMICS The Clarion — November 18,2005 CafTimes by Charlotte Shanewise Jimmy this ha« b»«n a tiow newt weak, •o I want you lo do • front-page »tory about the lack of sanitation io the caf«tena desserts. ‘Our sources indicate that some of these desserts will sit out for up to eight hours!' ' And Ms not just sweet-loving students at risk ot these contaminated confer^tions. but also valued members of the community hoping to support the school by patronizing our dining halll* ^ou should make this article as fear*inducing ts possible. Include something punchy in the headline, like 'Putting the City In" “ Danger*^ Aye aye. boss! The day of the deadline . NtW 4 article Mail! PUDDING: Th**Cit\’ in Dunper Ian FrUir tned mirul Draw comics? Doodle in class? Submit them to The Clarion and they might get published. Meetings are Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m., bring them or email them to Send a Letter to the Editor to Doodles by Dabney Farmer 4. 0,«47n Sant iwy jais eat Welc oV^e To Heav«h S •' l^pJoD WV»Af aHJILILIBTS by: TAYLOR LEE AND I30II>IISS TH0A\AS ADAMS ©«v« me the *«vice^ Wh«r fh* f ck?f> C^WAYS 0€ MlNt>fUL OPVOUB SUMOUNbl Mrngnt TO \ »•