Page 6 Arts & Life The Clarion — November 18,2005 Paris Hilton, before her gruesome death. photo from imdb com ‘House of Wax’an excuse to see Paris Hilton in underwear by Matt Rutherford Arts & Life Editor House of Wax Directed by Jaum Collet-Serra (Warner Brothers, 2005) ★ What do you get when you combine a gaggle of O.C. doppelgangers, Paris Hilton, unashamedly blatant symbol ism, and possibly one of the worst horror flick scripts? You get another crappy, unintelligent plot driven work of ignorance. House of Wax, released on DVD Oct.25 is without a doubt this year’s worst horror film. On their way across Louisi ana, the six unsuspecting friends (Elisha Cuthbert, Paris Hilton, Chad Michael Murray, Jared Padalecki, Jon Abrahams, and Robert Ri’chard) loose their way and decide to camp out until dawn. When their massive, brand new SUV’s refuse to start, they hike to a nearby forgotten town. In the middle of this deso late pot hole is the “House of Wax,” filled with what else? Wax figurines. Naturally, our numb skull characters don’t realize these are not wax statues, but real people who have been skinned and dumped in wax; not to mention the insane antagonist is still on loose looking for new victims. This film absolutely wreaks of mediocrity, bad casting (Paris Hilton?), and the terrible produc tion studio. Dark Castle Enter tainment. Let’s go over some of their other flops. Remember Thir teen Ghosts'? How about Gothika'} Or Ghost Ship"? Nei ther do I. All these Halloween released horror flicks created by this one company are outright laughable attempts to create anything close to something that should be shown on the big screen. House of Wax was just another excuse for lustful eyes to see Paris run around in her underwear 1 wonder if this movie was made specifically to give the pop culture starlet more public ity. The one good thing about House of Wax was the death scenes. The effects were top notch. Little CGI was used to simulate poles going through heads or waxy skin being peeled away from muscle tissue. Like every other Dark Castle film, House of Wax lacks every thing it takes to make a good horror film. For example: Fear in ducing images. What’s more troubling is that the film actually has too much plot to end in a timely man ner. Instead of a bang-up grab your attention ending, we get an overly symbolic, poetic even, ending. The kind of ending someone writes as last minute assignment for a creative writ ing course. The Cliirion Review Rating Guide * * ★ *: Outstanding, worth time & $$$ * * * : Not great, but still worth a lcx)k * * May do in a pinch * Don't bother Matt’s Take- Pop culture dictates self image by Matt Rutherford Arts & Life Editor Have you ever wondered why we have so many issues with our self image? Or why we rag on those with image prob lems? I blame the media. Our media “somehow” through its numerous ads of perfection and extremely high standards seeps into our homes and into our minds. With the media con trolling our every social move ment, from how we eat to how we dress, its no wonder that we get caught its deceitful web. I think it is unfair for some corporate higher up or whom/ whatever is in charge of the me dia stru-oture to decide for us what is beautiful, what’s in, etc. I say this because it is setting an unrealistic goal. Of course, 1 think setting higher goals is key in getting anywhere in life, but I don’t think your local Joe- Shmoe will ever be the next Brad Pitt. There are some serious is sues being caused by setting these unrealistic goals. For ex ample, anorexia, bulimia, de pression, even suicide. A large amount of people with these diseases have them because they want to be just like the images that are seen in these ads in magazines, television, movies, the internet, and now our cellular phones. Every where you turn these ads are going to find someway into your head. Isn’t that a fright ening thought? Its like we’re being brainwashed into all thinking that one stereotype is what we should all strive to be. What I would like to say to all of you who think that be cause you don’t look like one of those images that are unfor tunately and unwillingly im printed into your mind is this; don’t worry about it. I realize it’s easy just to say that, but it’s the truth. What you should do is strive to be the best you that you can be. Don’t pay at tention to what “they” say is correct, do what you think is correct. Wear what you enjoy, eat what you like, or shop at the stores you enjoy. As I’ve said before, its time for us to wake up and take control of ourselves and our destiny. Do not let someone or something else decide anything for you, it is your life. • ‘House of Wax’ is a remake of a 1953 film by the same name. Vincent Price starred in the original. It was filmed in 3D. The origi nal film featured a scene where an actor was placed in a fully functioning guillotine. The Clarion needs writers and photographers to cover Brevard College sports. Join the newspaper staff. We meet Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.