March 1,2006 — The Clarion ARTS & LIFE Page 9 ‘Venom’ a poisonously bad horror movie by Zach Browning Staff Writer Venom Directed by Jim Gillespie (Universal, 2005) ■ki The new release Venom is the latest blunder to emerge from the ever popular horror/ suspense genre. The story takes place in the bayous of Louisiana, where an old voodoo priest ess digs up a suitcase at a construction site that con tains the tortured souls of several murderers and rapists that she “cured” over the years. The bad thing is that “curing” these people in volved ritualistically allowing snakes to kill the evil inside with their venom. If the suit case is opened, the evil inside will run rampant and bad things are sure to happen. All seems well until the suitcase is opened by a local me chanic. The chaos that follows is all too typical for the genre and is painfully predictable. The me chanic dies and becomes a blood thirsty monster bent on killing every teenager in town. The ram *, HE NEVER HURT A SOUL UNTIL THE DAY HE DIED ' V - page continues until the sole sur vivor is forced to fight the mon ster. Perhaps the most disturb ing part of the whole movie is the very end where they imply a make up for the lack of plot variation and acting ability. The voodoo motif does add some spice to this otherwise mind- numbing shrine to youth slaughter. I was particularly im pressed that this film managed to get an R rating in a time when so many other films in the hor ror/suspense genre sit safely in the PG-13 range. All in all, 1 was let down by the holes in the plot line and the lack of originality. This movie is mildly entertaining, but the experience could be defi nitely enhanced under the in fluence of alcohol. Venom is only worth renting if there is nothing else on the shelf. 1 give this flick a star and a half. ★ ★ ★ ★: Outstanding ★ * ★: Not great, but ok ★ ★: May do in a pinch ★; Don't bother sequel. Now that’s scary. There arc a few special ef fects and a few of gruesome murder scenes, but that doesn t \jQft Tukc ^ Plagiarism a sign of extreme laziness, lack of ethics by Matt Rutherford Arts & Life Editor Plagiarism is something that our campus has come to know well in the past few years, and even more just last semes ter. To start, according to the University of Minnesota Glos sary, “Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work as if it were your own, whether you mean to or not. ‘Someone elsc’s work’ means anything that is not your own idea, even if it is presented in your own style. It includes material from books, journals or any other printed source, the work of other stu dents or staff, information from the Internet, software programs and other electronic material, designs and ideas. It also in cludes the organization or struc turing of any such material. With that being said, plagia rism is nothing more than the complete and utter laziness that exudes itself through people’s lack of originality and the lacka daisical attitude toward having respect for others’ work. My freshman year at Brevard College, one my own papers was snatched from the computer lab and was used in an English 112 class. I was ac cused of copying my own work from an internet source. How ever, in the end, the culprit was captured and dealt with. My point in all of this is, whether it is an idea, a piece of art, music, writmg, etc, these works belong to people. What you do when you plagiarize, is stealing. And I have to say, it is absolutely horrifying to me to think that so many of our fresh man students committed such an act. I wonder if any of you know what this means? To me, it shows a level of maturity that is fit for grade school, the fact that you cannot think for yourself, you are ashamed of your infe rior writing skills, and most of all you are not to be trusted. It baffles me that any student would stoop this low. There are numerous op tions to help you if you are having an issue with writing on this campus. Any of the professors of English here would be more than willing to sit and work through prob lems within your paper. Also, in the Academic Enrichment Center there is always a writ ing tutor on call to help with the same problems. There is simply no excuse for plagia rism. This needs to stop. Don’t be lazy, think for your self.