Page 8 The Clarion | Dec. 14, 2007 Costner — Kevin Costner Crap-o-rific event of the week AMC's 'Kevin Costner: American Icon' By Aaron Palmer & Joseph Chilton Costerologists AMC should really just change its name to American Movies. Or maybe The Movies That HBO Didn’t Want. Or maybe We Hope The One Old Guy Who Watches Our Chaimel is Too Lazy To Change The Channel Because What We Show is So Awful. Okay, so maybe WE^laDGVV\^031IIClCBVVWSB\ is a little bit too long of an acronym, but you get the point. The chaimel has been going downhill for years, but this week they hit an all-time low when they began showing their “American Icon: Kevin Costnef ’ mini-marathon. All month long, people who are not too busy with their families during the holidays can tune in to AMC in order to catch multiple showings of Waterworld, Open Range, and Bull Durham. This works out perfectly, because the type of person who would want to spend their December watching hours upon hours of these supposed classics is undoubtedly the same type of person who is alone for the holidays. If your Christmas feast is made up from food rescued from not-quite-empty containers in your trash, this marathon is for you. If you are a sensible, well- adjusted person, however we hope that you spend your Christmas watching the real classics, like Ernest Saves Christmas. AMC is advertising the event by saying that, “throughout his career, Costner epitomized America’s idea of the upstanding Average Joe.” It’s a shame to say that after seeing this, all that one of the writers of this column wants for Christmas is a new first name. Since this is the season of giving, we at The Clarion have decided to give you the choice as to who next semester’s “Crap-o-Riffic” column will center on. Please e-mail your ideas to Suggestions: Cuba Gooding, Jr.- How could the man who once yelled “Show me the Money” now be yelling “Show me the bit part in a two-star movie!” Billy Bob Thorton- How many times can you play an irresponsible drunk? Tom Hanks- Tom Hanks asked the world, “Will you watch the worst book ever written?” Luckily the world screamed back a resounding “NO!” Nicole Kidman- Go ahead, try and name two of her movies. If you can we’ll give you a book by L. Ron Hubbard. Morgan Freeman- If you’ve been in every movie ever made, then by the laws of probability you will have made some bad ones. Pi^ tjQVi 'k.nawf Kevin Costner graduated from college. As hard as it is to believe it is true. Apparently he made it through by collectying 48 hours of art credits posing as an emotionless still life model. Sraduating (Maybjz) tiottijz Spotlight Name: John Billingsley (aka Tex) Age: Fm not telling, but here’s a hint: I voted for Ross Perot. Twice. Favorite Movie: Anything with a lotta killin’. Favorite Music: Bluegrass, Texas Alt-Country, Southern Gospel, Southern Rock, and “Buy You a Drank.” Favorite Food: Grilled Cheese Career Ambition: To one day become known as simply “Tex, Texas Ranger.”