The Stats Page Where is all the Tornado spirit? by Johnny "Stats" Lange Sports Editor Yes people, it’s true!!! You really didn’t think I could go too long without writing a column now did you? I mean after writing to you every week last semester we really ought to know each other by now don’t you think? Oh, excuse me. I just realized that there are many of you people out there who are freshmen. Please allow me to introduce myself My name is Johnny Lange and I am the sports editor here at the Clarion. Last winter I took over this esteemed position, and it was my distinct honor to both cover the teams here at Brevard and to share my point of view on the world of sports. I’mfrom St. Louis, Missouri and I’m in my second and final year at this institution. I’m a huge fan of any St. Louis team and I live and breathe sports. Ok well it’s time to get on topic for this week. Obviously with my job as sports editor I am at every home football game. I’ve noticed a rather disturbing trend, and I’m not talking about the unusual custom down here of putting slaw on hot dogs (though that is quite unusual to me.) Over the last year there have been requests for a student section at the football games, which is an excellent idea. However, when I arrived at the stadium this past Saturday, I was quite disturbed by the lack of people in the student section, and the general lack of noise made by the section. Now I want to be 100% clear that I am not attacking the other athletes at our school, because clearly their first priority should be their own games, matches or races. It should also be noted that I am not attacking those who are working their way through school. I took several years off of school myself while working as a karaoke jock back in St. Louis. I know it’s really difficult to balance both class work and making that money that is necessary in life. I understand and appreciate your phght. However there is a group of students on this campus that are just sitting around on campus when game time rolls around. My appeal is for these students to start showing up. Athletic events aren’t only about watching sports. They are a time for socializing and enjoying the fresh air on these lovely fall afternoons and evenings before the (somewhat) cold of winter descends upon the mountains. One thing I learned at this school is that you are expected to support your fellow students whether it is a senior project or a musical performance. How come this obhgation isn’t also expected at sporting events as well? And you can’t use money as an excuse, because the game is free for students and the school even provides transportation to and from the football games. It costs you nothing, so why not go? Ok, fine if you require a Coke while watching a football game it will cost you two dollars. My point here is that these college years of ours are for more than just academics. It’s for sociahzing, and getting to know different people, and is often referred to as the best years of a person’s life. However, if you go home every weekend or simply hang around your dorm, you aren’t meeting any new people, and not expanding your horizons. And of course there is one other benefit of attending sporting events. Where else can you get to act like a maniac and scream your lungs out without campus security of your friendly neighborhood police officer getting called? The answer is nowhere. After each home game head football coach Paul Hamilton makes sure on the post game show to thank all of the supporters for coming out to the game and supporting the team. There is a home field advantage in sports, and that is only obtained through the support of the students and the town. Sol implore you to show up and make some freaking noise. The next home game is Sept. 27 at 2 p.m. “So long for just a little while,” and please remember that as it was last year and remains this year “I am your champion.” Students show their support for BC Football In an apathetic student section photo by m. Newton