Page 8 THE LAST FRONTIER The Clarion \ Oct. 30, 2009 Horoscopes powered by Pentium (insert theme music here) Aries- You will finally quit drinking after you wake up the morning after a drunken game of dare culminates with you defecting to North Korea Lucky state of mind- Shwasted Taurus- Suddenly, wearing a kevlar vest around downtown Brevard won’t be taboo Lucky number- 187 Gemini- Do not drink the Kool-Aid at Jim Jones’ halloween party Unlucky ingredient- See if you can guess!!! Cancer- All of a sudden, you won’t feel so edgy being stereotyped as a Goth when a local church destroys more religious literature than you and your friends do on Halloween. Lucky attire- Polos and Khakis Leo- You will be offered a job to become Coolio’s body guard. Accept it. Lucky abode- Gangsta’s Paradise Virgo- You’re about as cool as Hannah Montana. We’re sorry. Lucky color- Off-White Libra- The stars recognize that there are two types of people in this world- you and the type of person who is lucky enough to not be involved in a meth-fiaeled knife-fight Lucky color- Crystal Scorpio- Your escapades behind the wheel this week will bring whole new meaning to the term “flash drive” Lucky item to show off- The Goods Sagittarius-You will be victorious in a battle for the ages, and following battle will feast on the flesh of your mortal enemy. Luckily for you, your mortal enemy is a comish game hen. Lucky weapon- Blunt object Capricorn- You will seek solace in Right Said Fred’s assertion that your overpowering sexiness explains your lack of any clothing, and not your gambling addiction Lucky color- Pale Aquarius- Relax knowing that the CIA’s mind control lasers only work on people who have something to contribute to society Lucky mental state- Clueless Pisces- People will understand less of what you say than they would the combination of Ozzy Osbourne’s speech patterns and Beck’s vernacular. Lucky mantra- asdkljasldjad American Hero Question: What’s more American than the wild, wild west? (And I’m not talking about the movie.) Answer: This week’s American Hero; the Dallas Police Department. The DPD really took the American-ness up a notch, even for the wild wild west. Last week, following an illegal U-tum, a Dallas woman was pulled over and ticketed for 3 offenses- Disregarding a traffic control device, failure to present a license... and “being a non- English speaking driver.” Even more heinous was the DPD’s admission of having ticketed some 39 drivers over the past several years for the same offense. Further, this offense is actually a punishable crime. For being a non-English speaking driver in Dallas, you could get fined over $200. Fortunately for those who have already been ticketed and paid their dues to society, once the story broke, the Dallas Police refunded the fines, and to all those who had been ticketed but had not been before a judge, the charge was dropped. Editor’s note: This is not an actual Dallas city law, however it has been enforced as though it were. Therefore, for going above and beyond the call of duty, going above and beyond the law, and doing everything you can to ensure that the melting pot of cultures in America stays as English as shepherd’s pie, we salute you, Dallas Police Department! POLICK