Page 8 THE LAST FRONTIER The Clarion \ Oct. 29, 2010 Your Horoecope: Aries (March 21-April 19): Beware the real monsters around town on Halloween: the Brevard police department. Unlucky Occurance: DUI Check-point Taurus (April 20-IViay20): Keep in mind, that person might look good in their costume, but, it's a costume. Unlucky Alcohol Related Effect: Beer Goggles Gemini (iviay 21-June 20): "Sippin' sizz up in the ride” will leave you in the drunk tank for the night. Unlucky Purchase: Whatever the hell "sizz” is. Cancer (June 21-July 22): That person that really annoys you still won't catch onto the fact that everytime they speak, you grimace. Lucky Character Trait: Patience Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): The fines you've already received on-campus will pale in comparison to the ones you get when your jack'o'lantern ignites your entire dorm. Lucky Sound: Rre Alarm Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22): That good looking stranger you meet at the next social event you attend will get really pissed when you spill the drink they hand you, but only because roofies cost money Lucky For You: Karma Delivered by your astrologically inclined Editor in Chief: John M. Climer Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 23): A combination of insomnia & a shorter daylight hours will leave you looking like the offspring of a crack-head that mated with a crystal-meth tweeker. Lucky Sound: Snoring Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21): The combination of coffee and cigarettes will leave your breath smelling and tasting like horse poo. Lucky Hygienic Products: Scope, Toothpaste, and Crest White Strips Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21): Yes, BCE 211 sucks, but you can't graduate without it. Lucky Character Trait: Perseverance Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20): Never back down. Unless something that outweighs you by more than 100 lbs. is charging. Lucky Genetic Reflex: Fight or Flight Aquarius Qan. 21 - Feb. 19): In attempting to understand the opposite sex, you'll realize that there's no hope for either gender in that regard. Lucky Movie: Sleepless in Seattle Pisces (Feb. 20 - March 20): Lift weights endlessly, grow a mustache & become a circus strong man. Lucky Hormone: Testosterone Ame/^ican He/^0 Nevada senatorial candidate Sharron Angle, of the Tea Party, reached an all- time low this week and managed to do it in almost record time. In Angle's 31-second campaign advertisement, she not only stereotypes Mexican immigrants but stoops so far as to make overtly racist assertions about the activities of Mexicans when they enter our country. Additionally, Angle throws some below the belt shots at Harry Reid, justifies Arizona's racist laws and asserts that English should be America's national language. So for being a bigot and doing it in "American," we salute you, Mrs. Angle. WANTED Staff members to write, report, photo graph, draw, edit, and sell advertise ments for the student newspaper. The Clarion needs your help! As a volunteer staff member, you can • earn academic credit in COM 106 • get a cool T-shirt for a job well done • reap financial rewards for serving Brevard College Staff meetings are open to all Fridays at 11:30 a.m. in IVI-G 102 Halloween pictorial: Best Jack-o-Lanterns