“Something has gone terribly wrong here,” - Roger Ebert News Beverly Hills Cop 2 \ IVIay20,1987 Beer Pong scholarship to be awarded Beer pong has been the downfall for many college students, but now it is an opportunity for academic success. With enrollment stalling and the economy worsening, Brevard has been looking for ways to attract new perspective students and to simply keep the ones that are already enrolled. New scholarship ideas have been in the works for the past few semesters now. The beer pong scholarship is the first of many social-activity based awards to be offered. Beer pong is being claimed as an "athletic" scholarship as the skill and level of difiiculty are considered to be paralleled with cheerleading or disc golf This is Brevard's first attempt at a new type of scholarship since its karaoke scholarship almost ten years ago. The karaoke scholarship was a contest based scholarship with more than fifty contestants. Brevard hopes that the number of contestants for the beer pong scholarship will BC professor Prof Benjamin E. Zeller broke a personal record this week when he completed an entire 24 hour period without voicing an “Um” during his frequent and, what we assume to be, mind- boggling thoughts. The road to success was not paved with gold, however, as some people witnessed close calls midday in Pat Shores’ ofiice. “I thought it was over around one when he walked in stating that ‘Umbrellas are tricky little contraptions,” said Squirts Macintosh. Another student, Hollaback Atcha, was sure he had heard Dr Zeller murmer an “ehrm” followed by a louder “uh”, however the according to the International Gutteral Utterances for Thought Want your event in the Clarion? Sucks. Send us links to your favorite Youtube videos at: Clarion@brevard.edu be in the hundreds. The beer pong elimination tournament will take place in the Underground sometime in late April. The rules are simple, much like regular beer pong rules, contestants must be at least 21 years old, teams of two, and each team must have a creative team name. Each member of the winning team will be awarded a $1000 scholarship for each semester the following academic year. Additional scholarship opportunities include: $500 Scholarship for best trick shot and a $500 scholarship for each member of the team with the most interesting vomit splatter As if a scholarship and bragging rights weren't enough, the winning team will have the scholarship named after them. The beer will be PBR, the cups will be Dixie, and the contestants will be drunk. makes history Committee’s (IGUTC) handbook, this was not an infraction of the record, and were not grounds for dismissal. Be sure to congratulate Dr. Zeller as he returns from the resting period he required to accomplish such a brave and marginally interesting record. Chocolate, cheese, and wine are the customary gifts for such a feat, though Dr Zeller has commented that bow ties are also acceptable. Underwater Basket Weaving: Meets Tuesday at 2 p.m. in MG 139. Table Leg Enthusiasts: Meets every Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Reserve Dining Room. jvlaster-Debating Club: Meets every Saturday at 7 p.m. in the AEG Gonference Room. Identified Anonymous: Monday at 7 p.m. in MG 113. People Who Insist Dave Matthew's Band is Still Relevant: Due to lack of interest this club has been discontinued. Canadian Water Bear Egg Juggling Team: Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the Underground. BC profs announce same sex marriage Associate Professor of Religion Tom Bell and Associate Professor of Political Communications Ralph Hamlett announced their engagement to their surprised families this earlier week. The announcement was confirmed on Dr Bell’s blog on his website for excessive printing enthusiasts, Monday. “Its been something I’ve struggled with for nearly two years now,” Bell said, “but I can no longer deny how I feel at the sight of Ralph’s disheveled hair or the sound of his sultry voice.” Hamlett added, “A man who can commit to the same green drinking cup for as long as Tom has is a man I know I can give my heart to.” While Ralph was uncharacteristically hesitant to give his views on the matter. Dr Bell was elated to finally get some of his feelings out in the open. “I’ve often felt like the tight bundle of number two pencils and expo markers I carry to class: constrained and misunderstood,” said Bell. Dr Hamlett’s current wife, Susan, spoke on her feelings on the issue. “Eh. Not too surprised to be honest. It explains the late night phone calls that Ralph tells me are intimate communication lesson planning.” However, the entire BC campus has been shocked. Senior Ovaltine Jenkins sent Bell and Hamlett an e-mail quoting the bible and reminding them that marriage is between a man and a woman. Bell and Hamlett noted that they had tried that, and were none too impressed. Brian Burgess to student body: "Why did they stop making Snickers? I thought that was a pretty popular candy" Aulophobics Unite: Wednesdays in MG 125 at 4 p.m. Please no woodwinds. Stay in Your Room and Drink: Monday - Sunday, followed immediately by crying and crippling loneliness and despair hour Clarion Deadline: (Because that's obviously a joke). Hipster irony Club: But you probably wouldn't have heard of that... Clarion Reading Club: You're in! This Week on Campus