Page 12 THE BACK PAGE The Clarion \ Nov. 11,2011 ififirtS^SVeteran's Day m President Woodrow Wilson, and was dubbed This year. Veterans Day falls on a yea By Melissa Sullebarger staff Writer Why is Veteran’s Day on November 11th? This may not be a question you have ever asked yourself, but the answer is an interesting one all the same. At the end of World War I, known then as The Great War, an armistice was signed between the Allies and Germany, it put a stop to the violence on the Western front of the war and went into effect on “the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month” of 1918. For those of you who are interested, the Allies of WWI were the Triple Entente (United Kingdom, France, Russian Empire), their allies (Italy, Belgium, Serbia, Montenegro, Greece, Romania, and the Czechoslovakian legions), and the United States. The day was declared a national holiday in many nations, including the United States by THE Clarion Editor in Chief IVIanaging Editor . Business IVIanager Copy Editor. . . . Campus News . . Opinion Arts & Life . . . . Sports bports Photography . . Layout & Design Faculty Advisor. Senior Staff . . . Park Baker . . Patrick Veilleux . . Patrick Veilleux . . Position Open . . . Cassie Smatana . . . Position Open . . . Carolina Andersen . . . Position Open . . . Position Open . . . Thea Dunn . . . John B. Padgett Other Staff Carolina Anderson Alex McCracken Karam Boeshaar Josh Smith Sarah Bowers Olivia Fawcett Melissa Sullebarger Skip Allsopp The Clarion is a student-run college newspaper produced by student journalists enrolled at Brevard College. Unsigned editorials represent the collective opinion of the staff of The Clarion. Other opinions expressed in this newspaper are those of respective authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the faculty, staff or administration of Brevard College. All correspondence should be mailed to: The Clarion, Brevard College, One Brevard College Drive, Brevard, NC TilXl, or send E-mail to “Armistice Day.” It was intended to be a day to honor the members of the armed forces who fell during The Great War, World War I. The name was changed to its current designation of “Veterans Day” in the United States by President Dwight D. Eisenhower after World War II in order to honor all members of the Armed Forces who had taken part in international wars. The name was changed to “Remembrance Day” in the British Commonwealth and remains “Armistice Day” in France and some other nations. There have been times that the legislature tryed to change the date of Veterans Day in order to better represent all wars, but none have been successful yet. year. Veterans Day tails on a year ending in ’ 11 for the first time, and there will be people throughout the world taking two minutes of silence at 11a.m. Friday morning. This tradition is not one that is generally followed in the United States, but in those places that do, it is intended as a sign of respect for the (approximately) 20 million people who died in World War I, and far more if you include every war since that time. Every year, the Veterans Day National Committee (a part of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs) chooses many regional sites nationwide for observances, this year, six of those places are inNorth Carolina: one each in Charlotte, Hubert, Morehead City, Warsaw, and two sites in Fayetteville. H Letters Policy: The Clarion welcomes letters to the editor. We reserve the right to edit letters for length or content. We do not publish anonymous letters or those whose authorship cannot be verified. E-mail: Who are those Anglicans, anyway? Why do they do what they do? To find out, join us for “An Instructed Eucharist” Sunday, November 20^^ at 10:30 a.m. at the Brevard Conference Center, 2^“^ floor of the Hollingsworth Building, 147 E. Main Street. (Just above Quotations.) The answers might just surprise you. Who knows, it might just change your life. For more information: Telephone: 828-687-0115. Facebook: Website: