march 1 PLAHt^ED d 3 T ^. ^' • i MARCH 1^7^' THF. . UD'SLETTER.. OF THE CAROL I HA GAY ASSOC I AT I OH. Vol. 3, Ho-:' 3 Rox 35), Carolina Union, Chapel Hill , H.C. The first-ever CuA-sponsored Gay Aviare^net*^ >'?ccV. follows: - a recent '‘Daily Tar HeeV'^survey showing that “almost 5B percent of the 398 (UttC) students polled said they that the Campus Ooverning Council not allocate money to CGA activities." . ’ . ^ n . - letters-to-the-editor exchanges between students nauseau^ at- th^mere thought of that -queer' society" and students who came the CGA's defense. ' Uae^u. - defacement of the "cube" announcement of pL " with the words "SODOMY IS A FF-LOMY IM tl.C....ARREST FAGGOTS. GAY AV/AREHESS V/EEK SCHEDULE OF EVFHTS Attendance by the general public is welcome at all events. MOHDAY/MARCH 13 . .. . r,,-. /on ii«T«nl ^00 pm- '-^me of Your Best Friends...';: a fil-R t?-'/ 7:00 pm- Understanding Gayness (200 Onion) 8:30 pm- Folk-Square Dancing (202~20A Union) TUESOAY/MARCH 1^ . _ . . . - 3:00 pm- G^Straight-Bisexual Dialogue (217 Umon) 7:30 pm- Facts and Fallacies about Gay Peop e. ^ Baldwin (student Mental Health Servces), Pave . ' Rogers (Psychology Department) and s-l-cy Vo g (School of Education) (ZOZ-ZOA Union) • HF.DMESDAY/HARCH 15 frnmHillel . 2:00 pm- lg'r-,"!^/Cust! and others (Z17 U Bob. Seymour from Binkley uapcni., THE REV. THOMAS S. BIGELOW, coordinator for "i;rip?urlnrGo" trnrvrr'agllnsr^^^ just agarnsJpoople.using each.other." Bigelow said. , and Barry Makell.(Schpol of Law) Ul7 Union) BARRY MAKELL, who will help ^''9':'® i? ”®{ ’^beUevL”the^decClcn of thl^Fourthli rcuTt’Lurfof Appeal s ''iould eventual 1y affect the rights of gays." He will explain why March 15. 7:00 pm- Coming Out: The Agony and the Ecstasy (217 Union) 9:00 pm- Volleyball (Woollen Gym, court 7) 21^PHS^-ny and Friends of -Y^^eopje (207-209 Unlc 7:00 pm- issues.n^Gay Hea t ^ ’ 3:00 pm- "Some of Your Best Friends.-..": a film (207 U,,. n « 9:00 pm- Party/Dance (Newman Center, 2i *“