-I H t> . LAJIQDA JM. ^79/Page ,3 Gay Voices From Prison ’’The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.” — Dostoevski ■^.y STUART ^JELLG LAISDA Editor '•7hnt’5 it like to be a gay prisoner — caught in a one-sex society that mirrors the free tiorld's distaste for gay life- styles? Out Hamlett Youth Center xn Lxllxngton. i.C., 4Z n instruments, .js: rx s.rx?,s;”«.s! , St ss“;.£n;«. -“vxtr « of a population of 700 inmates there a.e a ^.j|ich are completely open with and stay undercover. There are only a fe^;7 of us wnicn are our gayness.” as women, were chastised one Jenny and Georgia, who say they of their fellows that they Sunday by the prison chaplain uho told * a^d evil." They -rere ’’headed for hell and were possessed with Satra progress in the said they were also criticized by staff and it:” they opening of a camp^for homosexuals. "He are soon to be leaving said in early 1?7S. r-rrhoro P.C., and an ex-boxer, has been Tony w., 37, a one-time resident iid Georgia since 1958 (for in and out, of prisons in Florida, ‘ , last^month, Tony said that burglaries), yriting from tne Fate Beach lover was Icilled by three he has not loved anyone since 1^02, when nis y other prisoners. ^ that betv7een May 1976 and April Tr,E Et'FTY CLOSET of Rochester, h..., ^ McUeil Island, Washington, 1977 the only two nurd^s at the^.S. that prison officials taew in were of two gay men. The periodical, wh c S response was merely to : “^erasro/rSnk^ilit?^:^. which released the institution ■^-”F^edfrll1i^srof?i:raL^ the most aggressive and dangerous inmates, treatment, they often they are no longer useful or when they^resist this type end up dead from official 'neglipnce. „i„age in raping other inmates. As the The most aggressive inmates find sexu inmates plainly live in fear — (Raleigh) Hews and Observer reported Dec. 17, borne in of other inmates.' aiscounting the likelihood of widespread north Carolina prison officials, whil -enorted of all inmate crimes, forcible rape, concede it is ^ t prison rapes. "The ones they get Tony H. said blacks ®P°"f^J®/°hrnot f^ght back and the ones that do are younj^, sweet-lookinc^, the ones that t/III n not have a friend,” . rrmT^xTOPWER STREET, says rape Seymour Kleinberg, vjriting in this monti straight. ”31ack men in prison victims, like their attackers, are Writes.^"They are turning white men are usin^ the most humiliating the "nightmare of lynch-law into women, lihite women. By fucking them. It is the nlgn . ^ America come true.” j i,v the inequitable treatment blacks receive' Racial tensions are surely system. But racial hatred may not in the U.S., whlte-dominateo ^ pheLmenon. Dan Leonard of Carrboro, be enough to explain the blac ,-on w oaiH it should be remembered that recalling a prison outreach he pjulriion and that black male inmates blacks are over-represented in the pris Pi different, that it is not homo may be rationalizing that sex w t • havin> sex irith someone of another sexual. Ke also said that some men find that havln. gtatistics. race is more- erotic and that this may (Please turn to page 4)