14 11" From the Desk of the Chair on the Couch •i « Well, I, the blonde on the couch, have had one hectic month! Somehow, though, I survived with only minor injuries; the goddesses must be looking after me. October ended in the usual Chapel Hill way: pouring rain for days and a slightly damp late nite Halloween party on Franklin Street. There were hundreds of people, many heterosexual, but more drag queens than you could shake a (lip)stick at. (Some jwere even real women!) Our Halloween Masquerade Ball on Friday, Nov. 1, was, to coin a term, "flawless." Some people may have thought that having the dance on the day after Halloween was a little late, but in my opinion this was simply a logical exaggeration of "gay time." The dance, which was a benefit for the Lesbian and Gay Health Project of N.C., grossed I about $275. The highlight of the evening was an appearance by the one and only Miss Beverly iHorne Price and the incredible Miss Turner. The show was tremendous; each number drew the crowd together in a totally different way; we felt the power of Queen's "We Are the Champions," were electrified by a moving rendition of a Tina Turner number, and cried our way through Beverly's story of a friend with AIDS. The dance was also the debut of my alter-ego. Miss Clarissa deVain. Hats off, so to speak, to Roberta Leigh from 42nd whose platinum wig set the mood for my evening as a young, yet sophisticated Krystal Carrington. Miss Price herself did my transfor- Imation. The evening taught me many things about femininity and feminism. First, there is something more to being a woman than the outward appearance, the effeminancy, and even the feminism. I had all three that night, and I still wasn't good enough to be "RG." Secondly, the way women are taught to look is incredibly oppressive. Heels, skirts, and long fingernails hamper the simplest activities, from dialing the telephone to walking. And finally, how much of a woman's life is wasted on makeup in a lifetime? II ended the evening screaming, "Death to the patriarchy! In closing, I'd like to thank all of you who are CGLA members and encourage all of lyou who aren't yet members to join, even if its under a pseudon3nn. It's numbers that jcount, not names. I'd like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season, no matter which of the |holidays is your favorite. See you in January! -Jim Duley P.S. Campus and CGLA elections are coming up in Feburary. Need I say more? Subscriptions A year's subscription to Lambda is only $4. Each issue will be mailed to you in a plain envelope, via bulk mail. Just fill in the info below, clip it and mail it along with your check or money order drawn to Lambda or CGLA. Name Address City State ZIP Date Amt. 1 Return to: LAMBDA/CGLA Box 39 Carolina Union 65A UNC-CH Chapel Hill, NC 27514 £nit Please notify us when you change addresses because the USPO charges us for address corrections.