^.55. ^y' /?•■ >^7 T^- .^V3r# '*■' yV ^.••'r •>-. ■*?•''■ *•■*'•' :TS^rt v^' Vt'*'- H-y V*'-* ►•'»”* ''ixir ;;7t.- ,. Y'i ’.-v. f5/^■ V'?;v*fr1& V;» u;vv- . *-S. i-wV imu ■'-»-'.%X ifi^V-^vr •. __- •.-.». ■••''- ■■•*-■■• By Christine Williams The horror of the death of Matthew Shepard has been felt through out the nation - especially for queer students on college campuses. At this point in time, I find it impossible to separate myself from this incident. Al though this crime illuminates a need for activism and awareness about hate crimes, and making our campuses safe, for most importantly, it has been about our community. When I heard about the death of Matthew Shepard, I felt a series of emotions, ranging from sorrow to frus- , Page 2, November 1998 ■ tration to anger to rage. But, what it mad me think and realize was deeper than just recognizing that hate crimes are out there or that we need hate crimes legislation. Instead, as I rode my bike to campus, my rage and sorrow bringing me to tears, I realized why this reached so close to home. Matthew was my brother. Because in his face, I saw the faces of so rnany of my brothers and sisters that have been beaten-up, raped, ridiculed, spit on, kicked-out, put down, bashed, brutalized and silenced. Because of his death, I saw the vulnerability we face because of who we are... because we are out, we are visible, and because we refuse to be silent. (cont’d p. 4) /k'it jVV. IV> ■ 4' •* >V . ./.»>»■■■ ■■ feii. id . ■ Sv • i'j 'it'... a- B I i-X-y !i .WiJ m -n. iSli ' m IT ' Is being gay, lesbian, or bisexual something you're having a hard time accepting? Are your parents having a hard time dealing with your orientation? How's the relationship going? Ne^ some advice? I'M HERE! If you have a problem and want an outsider's point of view, or would like some help finding more info., write me' and I'll try to help you! Selected letters and responses .will be published reguarly in a forthcoming advice column. Senders' E-Mail addresses will be kept strictly confidential! I. .wices? no