crntlnucd. P.iro 1) . ■ Por^y,’Urs. Culpepper, Pnrkar,. The crchcBtra, in .prcpnrlnf^ fcr this, feativc ccc-islcn, sn'” the , uff^cnt ne~d fcr .-i.n anpllfying sy- iten ■boG'''-n ncnoy for this cl-\y fifterrxcn '"Ork 1 nt'i’ , tcr■■ i in_e ^ purpcsci On I.icn- AS cnly.thr;3o fl.o.1-^ ncorlQd girl .rush- Inrs ’"•■’.a lackini;5 in the anCunt, .three non and .1 ed frnntic.oily thrruf.^h the re spective- dcr'^.it'^ries trying tc ob tain this nnount the aftcr- ncTn .nail "'ont rut* Students, loMr|i3jTg\cf .the ni-rthy ca.yee, openig^ their hc.-irts, .-ind their pocjcet-bpoks, and. in.less than an hcur’ TO're th.xn the needed amount ^ had been obtained. It is net ^ ..knc^rn definitely "hether the "Hike wili arrive in tine fcr the da.nce; nevertheless, "^r, Bjter.,ly anf^, the nenb^'TS of th.e orchestra ;”ish tc expr'aes tho-ir appreai. tion to the student br.dy and ._fa,cj,ulty, for their ecntpibutions* For the fer ’’'eeks* those, nelody nakors h ve.been holding rehc'.r&.-ils frequently, .ind frr>n ail reports,, the orchestr-\ ie. in- proving^ rnpidly. The ncnb -rs a'^e , endeavoring tc init te the styles of Ton.ny Dorsey, J.-in S.-\vltt,* .o.nd Sa.rny K,\ye* 'r’-c speci;i.l nunbora h.ave be>en arranged fcr intornls- ion. 'ronriy Oorsey’s a.rrange- nen’t cf -"Song cf India" and Grunt Basie's arrangenent cf "One 0‘Clock Jurp." '■The "■.o.”borfi of orchestra arc ti” bo "Tork; n.nd _ for th-.'ir-;>onerosity ^n pVcvidinr; nusic for cur d\ncing plna«ure.'. The s.-ixophcnists'are Doyel- Cotton, Borden • iv:eClees, ?in d Billy >indre-s, -Tho trunpotists arc rtioharr- Auger-, 5an Arringt6n, Bcbby Andrews, • arid- Jco' Perry. , ' Th-e . pi.inist is Lianning- Daniel, anr^ the guit.irlst is Robert i^/iar-'dTy tin* '■i.he' st;rlng b:iss is Ten Dick, the trcnbcne by iiar- th.a' Bro-:i:r, a.n'-" Billy G-ossar'd playt5 t;hc flute;- ^ ' '^he canpus- is subuzzing -ith excitenent "aind anticipaticn,- cf this •cca:{aibn, ■ .V d'-it is he belic'f cf all fh.i.t this Inport.-in,^ event 'vill be a great siiccessi ‘ S« V. P££1LS KOI\!QHS MI33 ■■■ ■ ; Hast Aie'dnesd.-vy aftarnocn krs. ■ Si V, P-.ele 'racicusly en'ter- ^ tained -it bridge, hcnorin-’ Miss , Slsa Cr-T.i;?, bride-elect cf Decf enber. In the living: rcon t”.'0 t.'i.ble's 're arran.'red'for lay”' ; ■‘and* the bride-elect's pla.ce v'a.e Hftrked by tiny nosegays nestled in -hite tulle. At the end of four progress-'; ions ca.rds ”.'cre collected, and, t?i3 hostess presented Lilss Or-i.iG ''dth a ninature hope chest, ‘top- pecT ’"i*th‘a. bride a.nd ^.-rocn, "'«Tion the chest ‘'’’is cpened it ^u\s .found tc ’contain dainty linen ; h.-indkerchiefs. .■if'cer these gifts ’■•‘^re a.dnirod by the .gvi.osts, i.''.r3, Peele cervcd 3 .lad course. /I