February 25, 1964 Columns Page five THE One; There is a difference Complete— Between You and I I feel—I do not know! There is something Definite— I am me and— You are you Another: Individuals? One: Perhaps!—Although There is none I think—^No! How could I? I am a part of— That which I damn! Another: Rebel this hellish thing! One: I can’t— If I did I could not alone For there would be you And— We would be apart again— Another; But— Why would this be so? One: I do not know— I really do! To this we would conform And— Then we would be much the same as that from whence we came— Another: You are lost— and— So am I— One: What can we do? Is there no answer? Life—As such is now is— With vow— To conform! This is but the natural bounds— Imposed on— You and I And we must find a way to live Together—You and I I know, I dare not think— There is a way! Another: Escape this horrid thing It brought to me a welcomed thought—But then again How can I? We are a part! —R. COLTRANE COLLEGIAN Friendship The Mountain, the Wind and the Sea I want the folks I meet each day. Wherever I may be. To know that joy and happiness Just radiate from me; I want to put so much into Each handclasp I extend. That everyone I meet will say, “I know he’ll be a friend.” A Friend My God—My Man Man looks above And woman looks to man. One seeks his maker. The other—her mate. To each his own. ♦ * * At first he seemed another One among myriads; Existing, not being; Plodding with the kine Onward to green pastures. But IsawheardfeltKNOW That HE, my HE, Is a mortal diety. For His eyes see me His tongue tells me His hands form me And I am His creation ^ 4: ^ Some have gazes blindly upward. Soothed by illusive faith. Satisfied with promise. Others have found Him here. And know fulfillment To each his own Bird Regret I thought that I should walk in light And never see dark again, but— A lonely body cried come in! And I a foolish clown of three Joined in hand with the dark until— A lonely body cried come back! Come back! Then a flower not so pure was I But rather a weary darksome bloom in dismay— A lonely body cried stay! Stay! I now, a fruitful night, am passed Wonders of these things called light and then— A scared body cried now rest! Now rest! Delores Crocker I see the mountain; It can be humble; It can be mighty. But is there more? The mountain is all-powerful; It thrusts up into the sky Above all on this earth Even above all we know. The mountain appears hazy in the distance; It appears to be a gray unknowable mass. But when I approach it; I can see it and know it clearly. II I see the wind; It can be gentle; It can be rough, But is there more? The wind sometimes brushes With the touch of a feather; The wind sometimes lashes With the smash of a steel fist. They say, “Ha! The wind cannot be seen,” And I answer, “I feel and I know, therefore I see.” III I see the sea; It can be calm; It can be wild. But is there more? The waves roll in, roU in; They become mighty; Then they fall. And spread outward, inward To nestle the shore. The sea is restless; The wind stirs the sea. And it crashes against The craggy brow of the mountain; In conflict they meet and none give. IV I have seen the mountain; I have seen the wind; I have seen the sea; And truly there is more. There is a power behind the mountain, the wind, and the sea; And they ask, “How can we know this power”; And I answer, “To know the truth of the mountain, the wind, and the sea, Is to know the power behind all.” L. S. B. The Mightiness of God I stood to watch the sun rise; It did, and it still shines To brighten the unlovely to beauty. I lay to see the moon appear; It did, and remains the prize Of my fantastic nocturnal dreams. I have looked at the rain While it peppered as rain will And will again, to cause life to be. I live with this quiet thought Of what is, and what will be To tell again his world of unselfish love. I have heard that new-born cry Of my very own. Can it be? It is, and perhaps again, perhaps, There is a purpose, I say! Or for one I search But not in vain. For now I know who and why! —From “Thoughts” by Lin Finch I have seen the smile of death; But not death! The smile itself Said “no!” It was but a beginning! I stand now to live; For his glory now I know; By faith to live! My Lord and God! David Daniel