aye f o i- A G K I N K November, 19 -MXLU- This lovely young lady is only one of many students attending Malcolm X University in Durham. The smile is indicative of the spirit at Malcolm X. (Continued from page 1) uilding. The parade included a African dance troupe and lack community drummers, he flag raising was at 4 p.m. y 6 p.m. supper was served at arious black eating establish- .ents in Durham. Student Organizations for lack Unity grew out of a .'alization by Black students lat their needs as Black people ere no longer satisfied by ex- ting organizations. Hence sev- 'al students formed a group )nsisting solely of Black peo- le. The first organizational eeting of SOBU was held at orth Carolina A.&T. State niversity in Greensboro, N. C. om May 8-10, 1969. SOBU is designed to serve as vehicle to promote the efforts allBlack people to be free r dissiminating information id concepts that reinforce lity among Black people all 'er the world. SOBU is "uctured on a regional basis, ith each region relating to the okesman for each and a na tional group. There is a inal convener. SOBU recognizes MXLU and e Center for Black Education '/ashintfon, D. C.) as branch- of “'The Black University” r Black people. “In recent years, Black stu nts have been raising serious estions about the social, psy- ological, and historical vali- :y of the education they are ceiving in the nation’s ed ges and universities,” observed letter from MXLU to friends. The letter noted that “In many cases, the mere existence of minority group students on the campuses of “Top Notch” insti tutions in the country is the re- tult of sincere efforts by the dministrations to extend the 'nefits of quality higher edu- ,ion to intelligent and deserv- ' “disadvantaged” youth. \nd yet, these same campus- now seem to be plagued by at they consider unreason- e demands, intolerable con- ntations, and often destruc- e and inexcusable tactics at hands of Black students. Ne- iations, genuine efforts to . iimunicate grievances and : iblish meaningful contact be- i‘en students and administra- • have continually proven i,:tless.” The letter went on ask whether, “Higher edu- ■ 'on for Blacks has reached ,1 .mpasse in this country?” 'o answer this question, con- I Tiled segments of the Black n munity (students, educators, ’-sroot organizers, etc.) have e together to create MXLU, ew educational institution ited in Durham, N. C. The ■/ersity is designed to meet very special needs of Black lents, “To incorporate those important elements of the Black experience projected in today’s racially torn society which have been so totally absent from the existing educational institutions, both white and Negro, in this country.” For the Black man, MXLU means a lot of things. It stands for the realization by the Black man of the beginning of the time when he will be in com plete control of an institution that he hopes will help him in his quest for knowledge and the realization of himself as a man. It also means for him the start of yet another Black enterprise which will either die or pros per depending on the amount of support the Black community gives. For he knows that Dur ham has been called by some the graveyard of Black enter prise. If the University suc ceeds, it will be an everlasting monument to black initiative and Black enterprise for which generations of Blacks yet un born will always be grateful. Judging from the amount of support given to the University on the dedication day, the school is in for a good start. ALL COLORED PEOPLE-GET BLACK You can call yourselves col ored people all you want to, but you’re just like an oriole cookie —Black on the outside and white on the inside. No matter whether you are dark or fair, if you are a per son of color in America, you are as black as the blackest. All you “colored people” can take that phrase and put where your minds ought to be, in a garbage can. If anyone can be so proud of the fairness of skin given him by some white bastard who raped some of your ancestors, then go ahead and be a colored people. If all the relationships whicli have born the multicolored Black man had been based on love instead of sexual lust, then the number of almalgamated and conglomerated “colored people” wouldn’t even exist. If a man rapes your mother you wouldn’t call him “Papa.” Yet those white masters did a mess on your grandmothers and great-grandmothers and you want to give that bastard credit for the act by claiming your self as being a “colored per son.” Wake-up to the fact that you are as Black as the ancestors that came from Africa. In fact they raped our women from the coast of Africa—to the ship—to the settlement of the American colony. » Law And Order (Continued from page 2) Reaction to White Law and Order —Eldridge Cleaver By now everyone knows that the catch phrase of today, called “law and order” is as “one-way” as its derived implications There is no need to reiterate the lack of justice that has been born out of that phrase. The Congress of the United States upholds law and order when it bans a black Congress man from taking his seat. They do so because they are afraid of the power that Black man carried, not of the things he did which can’t approach the deeds some of his colleagues have un dertaken. Did you know that back in May of this year the House of the North Carolina General As sembly passed a bill that would allow the National Guard to act in a riot situation any way they pleased, with immunity from criminal and civil liability. Any person should be able to realize that this action, if not barely rejected by the Senate of the same body, would have given the proponents of law and order in this state the right to kill at will and get away with it. Without doubt the age of mass racial killing should have end ed with the lynchings and burn ings of many Black people in the south and across the nation. But instead, the establishment in North Carolina as we see it still attempts to do harm and destruction to the Black citizens of this state under the guise of law and order. When will the day come when all men can be proud to stand up for law and order because they know that the phrase car ries with it the notion of free dom and justice. According to the great philosopher, Plato, no state can exist in a state of disorder and turmoil. As long as one people receives the right to exercise an unjust rule over another in the United States, there will always be a large degree of disorder. Did you know that for years to come the hope of the Black man would be lost in false prom ises and forgotten trusts. As long as the nation spends more on military budgets and space exploration .there will be tur moil in the nation. Whenever a nation places more importance on defending the world than saving it. Within the next decade this nation will either continue to exist as one of the greatest na tions in the history of man or it will wither into an oblivion caused by years of mistrust and Shaw University (Continued from Page 3) they really didn’t expect.” Shaw University is located in the heart of the Southside Urban Renewal area in downtown Ra leigh. The school is slated to recive land from the renewal project for future expansion of the campus. Dr. Chek said, “the charrette might provide a new thrust in the community’s dealings with the urban crisis. We are seeking to generate a dialogue on what Shaw University should be. This is one of the first bold programs intiated under Shaw’s new president. His brother. Dr. James Cheek, is now serving as president of Howard Universi ty, and tossed Shaw into the Urban Crisis during his term by issuing a plan to establish branch campuses of the Uni versity in urban areas in the North. Both men are featured in the November issue of Ebony mag azine’s as a “new breed” of col lege administrators. No special date has been set for the charrette, but that a potential steering committee has been contactd. Romallus O. Murphy, sepcial assistant to Dr. Cheek, has been named as coordinator of the project. The expense of the Raleigh project is estimated at $37,000. The Office of Education will re portedly put up an original $10,000. Officials at Shaw see the project as far less exp>ensive than traditional planning pro cedures and much more effec tive in tapping the commu nity’s wide range of talents. disgust. Of course a situation like this should not be allowed to develop, but the evils of a society such as ours are bound to sow headache and pain that is so common today. Black Ink (Continued from page 1} Black people are potenti ’ ' a Rip Van Winkle. Lying if.or mant for so long in a set racism, we are now awakei rig like a sleeping giant only realize we haven’t been sli ing—someone simply thre^ blanket over us. “Black Ink” will dispell thi. blanket. We not only feel insecure the interpretations of the while press but realize the disturbii a qualities in many black cori' munity papers. Although the have withstood the economi ■ pressures of a white society tc remain financially sound, this is no reason for the smearing of more “honkified” ideas in the black community than the white press is often guilty of. The more important aspect of communication is truth. Even though “Black Ink” will voicf un-American doctrines and anti establishment attitldes, it wil not skip the truth. Being a colonized people w must show even greater coh( sion than at any other peried in our history. Without a bla( printed voice which doesn’t s( ■ the world through shades white, black people are lost. Why are black people help ing the white man fight a war against minority peoples Asia? Is it the same re blacks fought in the 9th 10th calvary to kill Indians Why is it necessary for 1 people to control their communities? How do past historical pa..»ts dictate the passage of new to day? These are simply drops ii. ,i CCCaii oX OLii. cation must confront. For n.. reason, it might be more fii ir. to refer to ‘‘Black Ink” . now look into the black wor\, A “profile” of the past, presei and future laced toether. In essence, “Black Ink” wi do its best to represent the wa' of Neo-Pan-Africanism. Bookreview (Continued from Page 3) targets, rather than the wno\ vast machinery of western i cism and imperialism. A force with the skills anc. tools of the Black Commandos should surely be able to see the larger picture and be able to do something about it. Reading through each episode you find yourself saying, “yeah, yeah, now let’s get on to Africa!” But Moreau’s novel stops short of such vast involvement. It’s really a heartbreaker when he leaves us with a “we-may-go- to-Africa-when-needed” after showing us a group of Black men who could take care o everything. !- ink conversation failed to clear up tr^e problem presented by the ^rd.n'h loud horn blast during the October festivities at Malcolm X U. Back Up This Train