PAGE TWO BL DECEMBER 1. Jnck McLean, BSM Chairman, stfoUs over to Lenoir Hall for more picketing. ("haiiip Ignores Shaw Committee On Tuesday, December 2, Cha.ioellor J. Carlyle Sitterson reje^-ed a meeting with a com- mit from Shaw University to rliscuss the cafeteria workers strUu. at UNC. Tliis committee, with Shaw ?'acu ly member Norman Forer as -nr:.irman, sent a letter to Sii.i' .-son calling UNC “the I'jading academic institution in this state” and asking for a mu tual effort between the schools to e:u5ure the workers “a just resolution of their grievances f nd the right for representation of their choice.” Let it be clear that as long a.s t,ho chancellor and other high officialt; continue to ignore ris ing situations that warrant at tention and as long as people’s rights are denied on a so-called democratic campus, other black peule will become interested and rijjhtfully want to help. A cold shoulder from the chi;iict-lior in the future will only m&ke situations worse. If (Please turn to page 3) Honeymoon Over Jock Mihm B The violence created by the Chapel Hill Gestapo force on peaceful demonstrators is a clear example that the South ern part of heaven has been captured by the roaring waves of fascism in this country. The irony is not that violence exists in the country but that it exists in the peace loving community of Chapel Hill. The BSM is not going to stand by and watch innocent people harassed, in timated, and beaten by a police force that is no longer the ser vant of the people but slaves of demogogues. The BSM will meet peaceful demonstration with peaceful- demonstrations, and force with force. The BSM no longer labors with the myth that Blacks at the top of the administrative channels will solve the problems of racism in this country. One has only to look at Cleveland, Ohio, Fayette, Mississippi, the ghetto of Washington, D. C., and our own community of Chapel Hill to see that this myth is now trapped in the midst of deceit, caged in the den of iniquity, and awaits death on the outcome of the ballot box. We realize this is a calculated move to deceive the majority of our people into thinking that the country is changing. Our people are now beginning to simplify the com plexities and contradictions of electing Blacks to office. To paraphrase Malcolm X, that white society is trying to make “chumps” of us, the majority of our people are no longer chumps. Our people are begin ning to learn that we can do what we want and not what is dictated to us. The University and town officials have conspired in the “honeymoon suite” of oppres sion to avoid responsibility for the incident of December 3rd. The BSM realizes that this racist :: K 1N K universify was as much if not more so responsible in this mat ter. The University neglected its responsibility to protect members of the academic com munity by alowing Saga Food Services to break the contract between them guaranteeing minimal wages of $1.80 an hour to full-time employees, job classifications and by permit ting the presence of the Chapel Hill Gestapo forces on this campus, endangering most im portantly human life. The University offered two (Please turn to page 4) By ANGELA BRYANT At 5:45 P.M. I arrived at the picket line. It was going as usual except that the back door of Lenoir (facing the pit) had been locked. We had to picket in the confined area north of Lenoir. We proceeded around in the circle singing songs and chants. There were about seven brothers standing along side the picket line with helmets and sign posts surveying the situa tion. They were pepindicular to Lenoir and in no way block ing the entrance. There were others similarly attired on the other side of the picket line. After about ten minutes of picketing, I turned to see a school bus being driven up by the pigs. Some came out of Lenoir and began talking to the union and strike leaders. The picket line stopped to listen to what was happening. Then we were told by one pig who be an pushing the crowd back; that if we did not disperse in one minute we would be arrest ed. The crowd of picketers moved to one side and Gene Gore, the union organizer, stated that they were preven- ing the continuation of the picket line and that we were waiting for this purpose. At this point, Beaumont, the chief campus pig, came out of Lenoir and began conversing with his subordinate pigs. Abruptly, we were told if we did not disperse in one minute we would all be under arrest. The pigs then started pushing the crowd back through the one exit alley lead ing to Raleigh Street. Gene Gore announced that the workers had decided they would remain because they were not breaking any law, only picketing as usual. At this point I heard a pig tell Gene Gore that he was under arrest. The pig grabbed him and beat him with a riot stick after he was handcuffed. Then they started pushing the crowd back with the sticks. One could not help but protect himself from the stick as it was trust up against liim. As the pigs pushed the crowd back, I was pushed into the side alley in front of the parking area. After a few second I glanced to the left and this pig jumped out of the car and I saw him get (Please turn to Page 4) Fm An African BSUL NEWS SERVICE Tht; serious Black student recoRuizes that his education i.i a .'lignificant tool in the strug gle for the liberation of his However minus the .iper perspective and defini- of himself and the problem of hi? people, miseducation and •’on'inutd slavery are the most t utcomes of his efforts. The Bi.ack student must fully understa id that all Black p>eo- ple are .Africans, whether they r3 on the African continent or not. ^iie.e are many Africans in the Ani^ i'icans, Europe and Asia, but ttiere is no such creature as a BT.'tck-American or a Black- German. America is of Europe ■jrid F’.rope is white; the Black- AmeDcau is a Black-whiteman. ""rtaialy before one can define and solv'e the problems of his (,■. opie. I s must know himself, nridst be clear that the Black an African. .1 ist simple explanation • the problems of Africans is ihat oj. centuries of European do'Tunation. It is paramount to understand the oppression of Africa In *«'rms of the oppressor. .. .rica V.not dehumanized by the rainbow rulers but by ' j^opeanr. in a concerted pro- griia of ' .:ploitation. The most ccnsisteni and effective weapon of the Europeans is the divide and rule tactic. One should ''nte the situation of Africans Ihr Unit*>d States and Nigeria for a glimpse at the mastery ol the art. The trick has been so well performed in the United States that many Africans in that country do not even know that they are Africans. It has long been recognized that Black unity is a weapon capable of meeting the demands of oppressed Black people and providing a common base upon which Black men might stand to eliminate the source of their oppression. Unfortunately what has not been recognized by enough Blacks is that there is only one lasting type of Black unity — Pan-Africanism. The essence of Pan-Africanism is the spiritual bond that all Africans share as a result of similar life styles and experi ences before and after contact with the European. The com munal life style of the African is the practical application of the spiritual bond that is at the base of Pan-Africanism. One, of the most noticeable indica tions of this bond is the crea tivity of the African. In terms of political analysis the important feature of Pan- Africanism is the fact that it is based completely in the life of the African. Regardless of the social conditions in the parti cular place that an African might find himself, he can still trace his roots and find direction in E’an-Africanism. (Please turn to Page 4) Chancellor Needs Math Course The Chancellor of this Uni versity, in a reply to a charge of Black enrollment, showed again the bigotious attitude of this University. In a reply to accusations made by an alumus, Donald Furtudo, a Washington lawyer, the chancellor proudly cited EXACT STATISTICS of Black enrollment. It is obvious that the Chancellor is inexecusably aware of the number of Black students on campus. It is his ability to almost shamelessly state these figures, which marks the University as an esteemed bigot. Mr. Sitterson states that there are 321 Black students at UNC out of more than 16,000 total enrollment. He adds, however that this is not so small as Mr. Furtudo’s impression. The Chancellor should apply for a remedial math course be cause one obviously cannot take something from nothing. After last year’s intensified recruitment of Black students by the University, what are the statistics? This year, there are 166 (Chancellor’s figures) Black undergraduate students out of over 16,000 undergraduate en rollment. THIS YEAR’S BLACK UNDERGRADUATE ENROLL- ME^-’T IS 1.66 per cent of the total tnrollment. At the Uni versity of North Carolina at (Please turn to Page 4) At Christmas POOR GET POORER AND. By CURETON JOHNSON Christmas approacheth. Sing ing — Scotch — Partying — Prayer — Decorating — Drunk — Worshiping — Wine — Eat ing — Eggnog — Faith —, Friends — Finance — Money, money and more mula. As James Brown would say, “Santa Claus come straight to the ghetto.” The massive pockets of black poverty sown from east coast to west could well use some supernatural force to lead it out of its condition. But a white Santa has been avoiding the “poor side of the tracks” for many years, and if a black Santa should appear his pockets are bound to be filled with tears instead of toys. Most black people are p>oor. During Christmas thp poor get poorer and the rich get richer. Translation; Whitey gives thanks; darky gets took. Face it baby, its time for us to decide whether we want to be the “Three Kings” or the hum ble shepherds. To many of us the Yuletide season is a com- petative game to see who will give the gold, frankinscence or my re. In contemporary churches, Christmas began as a feast day celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas began in (Please tuni to Page 4) BLACK INK A Black Ink Newspaper is issued by the Black Stu- University of North Carolina, Charel W staff IS dedicated to telUng it like it is and creating an effective voice for Black people in its immediate area. Any letters and comments are welcome. Send corrspondence to: Black Student Movement Room 262 B Carolina Student Union University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514 Head^HNIC>’ a/d Managing Johnson Slaves — Jackie Holt, Jimmy McRae, Loretta y S’ Br;^nt, Carol Taylor, Bill Chamberlain, Deborah T Ron Bowks, Pamela Ji>nes, Charles Jeffries, Tom Jones, and Roosevelt Randolph Special Assistant: Carolyn Norris Subscription — $2.00 per year. Send request to the above address. Nine yearly issues duiing the schr