2 / Black Ink / August 18, 1976 ^MMMMMMMMM MM.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.M Ebony Calendar To the Black freshmen who will be living on North Campus there is no need to led you're being left out of the Black Student Movement just because you live on North Campus. Those students living on North Campus who are interested in forming a North Campus committee, serving as dorm representatives, distributing Black and Weekly Inks or in just being known, come by the BSM office and sign the sheet posted or call .leannie Mask or (iloria Mittman (933-5153). The BSM needs YOU Get involved. Watch for those posters announcing the lirst North Campus meeting. BLACK INK. There will be an organizational meeting of the Black Ink staff on 1 hursday evening. September 2 in the Student Union. All persons interested in contributing stories, artwork, or creative materials are asked to attend. DELTA SIGMA THETA: Enjoy softball'.’ Come watch Delta Sigma I heta in a rematch against the Black Bombers, a local girls' softball team. Refreshments available. Watch for posters indicating time and place during the first week of classes. BLACK CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP. Worship services will be held in Upendo Lounge Sunday. August 29 at 11:00. You are encouraged to come out and share a beautiful service. BLACK PRE-ORIENTATION 'lb: Wednesday, August 18th - 10:00-I2;00 noon -ARRIVAL OF SFUDEN IS Freshmen and their parents are to meet in the lobby ol Ehringhaus Dormitory. At this time students will receive a schedule ol events and temporary room assignments. 12-.00-3:00 p.m. 3:00-4:00 p.m. 4:00-5:00 p.m. 5:00-7:00 p.m. 10:00-12:30 p.m. 7:30-9:00 a.m. 9:00-10:00 a.m. 10:00-11:30 a.m. 11:.?0-3:30 p.m. 3:.30-5:00 p.m. 5:00-7:00 p.m. 3 7:00-9:00 p.m. I- H 10:00-11:00 p.m. 11:00-1:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Free Time - Pay S8.00 Room and Key deposit Fee. GENERAL MEETING - GREAT HALL This meeting will include an explanation of Pre-Orientation, introduction to counselors, and comments from Harold Wallace. Associate Dean for Special Programs; H. Bently Renwick. Assistant Dean of the College of Arts & Sciences, and Miss Jackie Lucas. Chairman of the Black Student Movement. INFORMAL RECEPTION - Room 202-204 STUDENT UNION Directly following the general meeting, an informal reception will be held for the students, parents. Black faculty, staff and administrators. PRESENTATION: BSM Gospel Choir - Memorial Hall Dance at Upendo Lounge THURSDAY. August 19th Breakfast i PRESENTATION - Black Christian Fellowship | Room 101 Greenlaw Hall CAMPUS TOUR : CAMP NEW HOPE (meet at the Student Union) I This program is sponsored in conjunction with the Y and the Human ^ Rights and Relations Commission (IIRRC). We will eat lunch, see : a film, and break up into discussion groups. This alfords us an ; opportunity to meet with freshmen and counselors attending j Freshman Camp. ; ACADEMICS I Session on majors and career opportunities ! Student Union Room 207-209 ; Dinner and Free 1 ime 1 PRESENl ATION: Black Student Movement ■ Upendo. Session dealing with offices and functions of the BSM | Introduction to sororities, fraternities, and social fellowship groups. I (Upendo), Session dealing with offices and functions ol the BSM. j Socializing. Upendo 1 FRIDAY. August 20th ; CHECK OUT All persons temporarily assigned to rooms in Ehringhaus must return their keys to the desk by lOa.m. Upendo Lounge will be open for those who want to go there until 12:00 noon, when dorms officially open. :VrYVYVY7rrrrr7rrTrY7YTYnTrrn^ Support our advertisers As you hopefully have noticed, the Black Ink is running advertisements as part of our revenue for the first time this academic year. To carry out the proposed revitalization of the Black Ink as an operating official newspaper of the Black Student Movement, additional funds beyond that allocated by Student Government were necessary. We have been very successful over the summer in gaining the interest of Chapel Hill merchants in our paper. Further support will depend on the customer feedback they receive as a result of their advertising in the /nk. For this reason and because many of our advertisers are Black owned and operated businesses, it is mandatory that we as the Black student market in Chapel Hill, deal with merchants who advertise in our paper. Support the people who support us! Through mass awareness of where to eat, where to buy, where to bank and where to enjoy ourselves, we can build a strong and thriving cooperative community. Remember that your paper is now dependent on ad revenue which is ultimately dependent on you. SUPPORT THE BLACK INK ADVERTISERS! BI4CK INK Vol. 9, No. 1 news Jackie Lucas will reign as the second consecutive female head of the Black Student Movement this year while the Human Rights and Relations Commiiioe has been revived by the Billy Richardson CGC administration. Moreover, as these things transpire, a new crop of Black freshmen arrives A possible Black yearbook, fraternities and sororities, the Bicentennial, tfie NIT, and the w/orth of CGC to Black students heads a diversified list of editorial topics. music The summer months saw a deluge of some good, and some not so good albums by the likes of New Birth, Ashford and Simpson, and the Commodores. Our reviewers relate what they heard on pages 7 and 17. sports 10 features 17 The Olympic try-outs were held in Chapel Hill this summer and, as Assistant Sports Editor Skip Foreman reports, "they all got off." Also a look at football and a young man's love affair with coaching. Does a dichotomy exist between the north campus and south campus Black communities? A number of residents express their reactions to Special Projects Editor Chiquetta Shackleford. Next Issue How has integration aftectecj North Carolina high schools? An examination of this topic from both the student antj faculty perspectives furnishes provocative answers. In addition, the Ink gauges freshman reactions to the campus, Black graduate students sound off, and the Answer Man makeb his heralded and long-awaited return. 1