2 BLACK INK November 9, 1976 4 DATING GAME in Memorial Hall Sponsored by Black Ink and Conosco November 11 at 8 p,m, be prizes, celebrities a performance by the Opeyo Dancers and, for good measure , an after-party in Upendo, JOIN THE FESTIVITIES ADMISSION IS ONLY fin CENTS mCK INK With Homecoming and Ms. BSM elections steadily approaching, it seems only appropriate to pay tribute to the Black woman in this week's issue. Along with the poetic tribute by Circulation Manager Herbert Farrish on our cover, an editorial tribute to Black women is included on Page 8. For a journalistic coup de grace, watch for our next and final issue of the semester, which will feature the results of the elections for Homecoming Queen and an in-depth look at the Ebony Princess we call Ms. BSM. (Incidentally, Editor Allen Johnson strongly suggests that we give him credit for this issue’s cover collage.) nuTo Complete Auto Repair Service - fast & efficient - Paint & Body Works "Let the brothers doctor up your car.” 411 E. Main Carrboro Carl Brown-Tony Edwards COUPON TIJUANA FATS INVITES YOU TO LUNCH 11:30 - 2:00 p.m. 403 W. Rosemary 967-1496 Q O ANY T Am small chili bowl W S' COFFEE OR Just a step away! We recognize and respect the cultural uniqueness of the UNC Black community and make an earnest attempt to reach those needs. We invite your suggestions on ways to do so. At Student Stores, we care. SHEEN C ^ u DEKT STUQENT STORES ■ g UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦