Page 12 I HEW I People are thinking about . . . (Continued frpm page 3) segregated, validity of entrance criteria and the lack of com mittment for retention of Blacks by UNC administrators. Par ticipants also criticized UNC officials for jeopardizing federal funding by rejecting HEW’s plan. (('ontinued from page 11) However, one does not discriminate against an entire race of people. Once “discrimination” is carried to such a point, the practice is described as racism or systematic oppression. This is not meant to be a frivolous play period with semantics. It is an attempt to clarify and correct the issues of comparison at hand. Of course, false illusions may not be too hard to bear in and of themselves. However, when illusions must be main tained by keeping people from getting enough food, securing jobs, going to school, using pubhc facilities, etc., they can no longer be tolerated. Black people en masse began to verbally and actively protest against the conditions they were forced to live in. Subtle tactics were initially used and gains were made. Subsequently, the protests became more active and violent and gains were made. People, buildings, and houses were destroyed. Then a larger number of reform measures ensued, aimed at ap peasing Black people—appeasing Black people’s protests against the racism which Bruce Wayne Knight, Bat- tlesboro; I received Christ into my life earlier this semester. I cannot see why college students always look down on Christians— they are humans just like anyone else. People are afraid that they they, their parents, and their parents’ parents had lived with all their lives. One of the most recent measures, which this article focuses upon, is affirmative action. It is only one of the means that has been used to give Black people op portunities which are as equivalent as possible with those of whites in order to survive the stench of oppression. Some people seem to feel that Alan Bakke and the Black student who sup posedly has his space in medical school had equal opportunities of getting in. Isn’t it interesting that the “equal op portunities” we supposedly have haven’t put us on an equal economic, political, or educational footing with whites? The Black middle-class is not economically equal to the white middle-class. The election of a Black president has not even been a remote possibility. Black students continue to achieve lower scores than whites on tests which they had an “equal opportunity” to take. There are countless examples in other areas of Black people’s lives in which these discrepancies may be seen. couldn’t do things anymore. That’s it—God will do it for you. If I had a choice between being saved or not, I know which I’d now choose. I’d rather be saved. Gregory Clay, Roxboro: Black people on South Campus tend to ieel that Black students in Granville Towers are ‘ into ’ the white mystic and don’t want to be around Black people at UNC. I moved to Granville because of the convenience—air conditioning, cafeteria, etc. Hinton James was All 9:00 A.M. Classes on MWF All 2:00 P.M. Classes on TTH All 8:00 A.M. Classes on MWF All 5:00 P.M. Classes on MWF All Fren, Germ, Span, & Port 1, 2, 3,&4,Russl&2 A111:00 P.M. Classes on MWF All 10:00 A.M. Classes on MWF All 9:30 A.M. Classes on TTH All 8:00 A.M. Classes on TTH All 4:00 P.M. Classes on MWF All 11:00 A.M. Classes on MWF All 12:30 Classes on TTH All 11:00 A.M.Classeson TTH All 3:30 Classes on TTH, and all other classes not otherwise prov'jied for in this schedule All 12:00 noon Classes on MWF All 2:00 P.M. Classes on MWF All 3:00 P.M. Qasses on MWF All 5:00 P.M. Classes on TTH too far from campus and North Campus—I don’t like it. Herbert Farrish. Hillsboro: I’m concerned about the outcome of the Bakke Case and the impact it'll have on minorities. What will happen if the doors will be barred to them if standardized test scores are the only means of getting m graduate school? I’m also concerned about the decrease of job opportunities and the increase in the number of graduates. Thur.Dec. 8,8:30 A.M. Thur.Dec.8,2:OOP.M. Fri. Dec. 9,8:30 A.M. Fri. Dec. 9,2:00 P.M. Sat. Dec. 10,8:30 A.M. Sat. Dec. 10,2:00 P.M. Mon. Dec. 12,8:30 A.M. Mon. Dec. 12,2:00 P.M. Tues.Dec. 13,8:30 A.M. Tues. Dec. 13,2:00 P.M. Wed. Dec. 14,8:30 A.M. Wed. Dec. 14,2:00 P.M. Thur.Dec. 15,8:30 A.M. Thur.Dec. 15,2:00 P.M. Fri. Dec. 16,8:30 A.M. Fri Dec. 16,2:00 P.M. Sat. Dec. 17,8:30 A.M. Sat. Dec. 17,2:00 P.M. ' Christmas Gifts for Family and Friends ONCAitPUS STUdENT STORE There's More in the z' Racism is the issue FALL EXAM SCHEDULE