Index Features Arts page 4 pages Fellowship. Sports page 6 pages 7 &8 uqi BLACK INK The essence of freedom is understanding m. Vol. n. No. 5 BIACK STUDlNr MOVEMINT OFHCIAL NtWSPAPtR University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill ' October 14,1980 Greeks work together CYNTHIA TATE !>urt Writrr In recent interviews members ol Black Iraternities and sororities on UNC's campus talked about diffrences between Black and while fraternities and sororities, a new freshman social group and the stereotyping of Black greeks Although Black Creeks don't have frater nity and sorority houses as white Creeks do, they said they are not concerned with that fact Delta Sigma Theta sorority member lilo Hester said. "A house would be a place to eat and sleep. It wouldn't strengthen the bonds of the group any. It would bring us together more physically, but we're always together mentally and in our hearts." Many members of the Black Creek system said that once the Black fraternities and sororities acquire more alumnt, even tually, they may be able to provide houses The Black and white Creek systems on campus are almost entirely segregated and most members of the Black Creek system said they think it will remain that way. Kelvin Harris, president of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity, said, "I don't see a large In- Cont. on page 3 Groups promote health From Staff Reports In an effort to work closer together, UNC's Black sororities and fraternities are sponsoring Black Health Awareness ac tivities for three days. Alpha Phi Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi and Omega Psi Phi fraternities and Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta and Zeta Phi Beta sororities will hold sirkle cell and blood pressure screening'In CreatHall. On Oct. 14 sickle cell screening will be held from 10 a m to 4 p m On Oct 15 blood pressure screening will be held from 10 a m to 4 p.m Donell F. Jones, spokesperson for the united group effort, said that anyone Is welcome to come to the health activities. "We're asking others to go out to the community as well," jones said. He said that the group will approach some chur ches Three people from each fraternity and soiority are to hrlp each day with the ac tivities. "The image is changing. We're just trying to work closer together," Jones said. Few Blacks hear talk LAWRENCE TURNER News Editor Onl> cl tew BI.k ks re( eiilK altcnd«-d a rallv in UN ^ Mejnorial Hall (or lohn B Anderson, ^ indepenrient c an- didate tor president, although a (apacit\ rov%d showed up to ^ hear him speak I don't think they (Bl.uks) take him seriouslv, fvelyn John Anderson Lucas, a senior, said because ol the small number ol Bla( ks that went to see Anderson I think most of them think It s (Anderson s campaign! a waste of time and monev ' she said Cont. on page 0 Show exhibits fall fashions Ron Idwards poses in the "Union' scene with other models during the BSM Carolina in Action: I all Fashion [xtravagan/a " Saturday night. See the story on page 5. Photo by Beattfice Taylor Local residents say Blacks should get together donna D WHITAKER Associate-Managing Editor Som»-one from the ( haju’l Hill-('arrboro Bla( k (ommunit> or the Hla k student • om munitv at UN( should take the initiative to bring the two Blatk groups together, one ( h,ip«’l Hill resident said Ihrer ! hap«-l Hill residents were reientls interviewed to gel their synopsis of the Blat k (. h.i(H‘l Hill i arrboro ? ommunit\ and their sirvs ol the Hla k l ommunits- Bla« k l'N( student relationship (,lenn ( arver. and a C hapel Hill native s.iid. ^s long as the BSM and the ( ha(K*l Hill ( arrboro BI.k k tommunilv stand there and wait lo; ea h other to come to eai h other s ,)id it s noing to l>e a while before thes gel together ( axser a salesman at Huggins Hardware Store .aid that the Black community has been let! out ol Blat k ; ampus atlairs A lot ol times he said il vou re r>ot on campus, that means that \ou re oil limits on (ampus ■ He said that the Black Student \1ovement could do things such as go out to Chapel Hill High School and invile students to events He gave the passing of petitions en dorsing Dean Hayden B Renwi(k tor a Vice Chancellor of University Affairs as an example of how Black students at UNC do not involve the Black area communitN Ih«- BSM didn t give the communils a i ham e to gel involved in that, he said Black students at Carolina have an edge, he said, and should share that edge w ilh so meone i>ne wa\ to do that is to get involv ed in the; ommunils He said that Blatk students cannot say that thes do not know vs here to start, berause thev an go to people like i'hapel Hill Town -■ ouni liman K D Smith and Rev |R Manley, pwslor ol I irst Baptist Church in ( haj)el Hill Cool, on page 8 Men hang out in the alleys of Carrboro Mirto by Matt Cooper