Point After Touchdown By Chris L. Brown Can I Get An Amen?! (Y'all* Dont Hear Me) Ahh, yeah! One of the back bones of the African American community—the church. I mean, as kids (younger kids, anyway), we may have looked forward more to choosing a switch to get whooped with than donning that blue polyester suit and red noose like bow tie, but hey — we wouldn’t have done it diffwently if we could do it again. The church is like a weekend soap opera, though: so many characters,plots below subplots, dastardly dea cons, gossipin’ goober gobblers. It’s kind of a shame that we have diverged so far from the original design of church, but I sincerely think despite all this stuff, the true message still gets through. But I’m a columnist, a self- proclaimed verbal sculptor of chuckles, so you know that I’m gonna pick on those people! So let’s, as they say, git it started! Hmm...where should I start? Decisions, decisions...ya see, I could talk about the Steeple Push ers. Those folk who never take off their dark overcoats, who always seem to stalk in the comers, who look as if they are doing a gospel stakeout instead of worshiping and serving. I don’t know about your church at home, but mine is right down thestreetfiromaHolly Farms chicken joint, and I could set my watch by the sure bet of the Steeple & Entertainment BHal Pushers sneakin’ (or so they thought) down for a quick bite. I always thought they had meetings with the devil. No, wait!! That’s what my older sister told me to keep me from tryin’ to go! That’s ahhright. She’ll hear from my at torney. At my church, we had people who spoke in tons. Yes, tons, not tongues. I’m talking about the quasi-gossipers! These people should work for the CIA, because nothing escapes their scope of vision, nothing. We’ve heard it— and participated, some of us (you know who you are) — all before. “Fanny! Ooooh weee! That’s a mighty fine hat you got on this momin’, girl! Where’d you get it? They was a sale down at the flea market? Mmm-M! I’mo get me one. Oh! Lo*! There’s that young HITM£R£j 3T' BiUL/ -X 'I'H0U«4MT Ohjrf£ ELBCTio^r? UJ|T« \jeTB ^uAl^ 03 doocse Dow'T -X5rAut> gurTW4T \ \ |5 wa -T»£ ODtfC :4iyp/ptni5’-'T?«Y' 3oSTSu)Jki-/)i^*5 powf ^rie i\ ffi PTCMCQ amp (IS/ HY tAMO -fo \rv6roinf WIU, So Rgri£MBdR To ooRit» n« i>j '-■?iuAL fo« S-rupewT'Bocy pR65iD«^ At^DTo-ruer^^‘- rtM£. -Candidates For All Campus Offices- As of January 31 until February 4, Black Ink will be accepting statements from all candidates for campus offices wishing 10 be featured in the February 11 issue of Blacklnk. For information on the format of these statements and to set up an appointment to be photographed please contact either Erika F. Campbell or Akinwole N’Gai Wright in theB/ocit/nifcoffice (Suite 108-D, Carolina Union). Pitts girl. Look at that tight dress! She’s like to bust out of that any second now! And the way she switches..iord have mercy! Isaw her talkin’ to Pastor Jenkins’ son, too. Sho’nuff! I think she wants to ‘baptize’ him! And look! There go that little Brown kid. What’s his name? Chris? Fanny, I thank he got a problem. Always walkin’ around talkin’ to himself and those little army men...po’ child! He needs some soul food and a good whoopin’...” I’ve got a secret fact to share with you. Eighty percent of hip hop dance moves originate in church. Nolie.C’mon,now—you know that every Sunday, the choir was steppin’ as hard as the head deacon was atFreddie’s nightclub the night before! Gospel Expo — kickin’ it live! We had drums, a bass and lead guitar, a multi-voiced organ, a piano (with an insane pianist, beheve me), thenurse train ees offering an intermittent “Say what?”, and the bald-headed elder beat-boxing in the back. The choir would move too, boyee! They would break it down and have you singing the 23rd Psalm the entire way home. There was always that one person up there whose voice had the tune of a rare African ele phant, but that’s all right, because those mugs were saingin' (not singing)! And of course, the center of the attention, the recipient of the ‘happy’ throes (and the tithes), the preacher. I have always been amazed by African American people blessed with the abiUty to preach. It’s like watching a car start, rev (no pun intended), shift gears,andbumtheroadup! Imag ine your best preacher voice while reading this next part. “Good morning, family. (Con gregation: “Good morning, pas tor.”) It’s always fulfilling and uplifitng to see your glorious faces P0STER5;^!5ii:T-5HIRT5 POSTCARDSBAJASH1R15 PATCICS USEDBOOI55,LP4 ITXFE8 here in church. The Lx>rd smiles upon those who are eager to praise his name. (Congregation: “Amen.”) And that’s what I’m here to share with you about today, my brothers and sisters: praising the Lord. (Deacon’s row: ‘Take yo’ time, now.”) Now, some folk think that they praise the Lord before they eat at, uh, McDonalds, (pause) Y’all don’t hear me. I say (Shift into 2nd gear) some folk think that they praise the Lord before they eat a Big Mac! (Congregation: chuckles) Well let me tell you this: Food, Folks, and Fun ain’t gon get it done. (Shift into 3rd; Deacon’s row: “Preach!”) And Ronald McDonald is not going to be there to answer your prayers! (Congre gation: “Amen”; shift into 4th) You’ve got to pray! You’ve got to get down on your knees, and peti tion! You know why?! Cause He’s got. He’s got. He’s got what you need? (loud “Amen”, applauses) Now y’all may as well wake up momin’, because I ain’t gon let you snore! (Deacons row: “Waal!”) Ain’t that right. Brother Jones? (Brother Jones wakes up) The Lord is not going to let you rest, until you get down on your knees, and praise him! You got to say, ‘Lord?’ (Organ chords) ‘Lord!’ (Organ chords) ‘Lord?’ (Organ chords) ‘Lord! ’ (Hold the first chord, then pump the second one) (5th gear —Sing Preaching) ‘I need you Lord! ’ (Organ chorus) ‘I ne-hee-heed you Lo-000 oooooord!’ (Congregation gets happy) They say not many of these kinds of churches exist on the West Coast. Well, I hope not, because my non-pork’n beans eatin’, L.A. livin’ (God willing), star spottin’, non-Clippers likin’ tail will be on the plane home every weekend! Because the church is where it’s at. CAROLINA UNION PRESIDENT Inforrnation & Applications at the Union Desk. Deadline: Friday, Feb. 8 W ST r» 7T f* 3 rr 'oT' 3 C •3 to 00