[ AUGUST 31, 1992 CAMPUS Getting B.A.C. to Basics The Black Awareness Council Joins the Fight for a Free- Standing BCC By Rente Jacqueline Alexander Ink Staff Writer 'Vhile most of us were resting and regrouping over the summer, a new organization, the Black w veness Council, was laying its : oundation and building its support. B.A.C. was founded during the first summer session of this year by black student-athletes John Bradley, Jimmy Hitchcock, vi a 1 c 0 1 m Marshall, and i mothy Smith. As staled in the organization’s proposal, it seeks u “ i n c r e a s e awareness among African Americans about issues on campus a: in the conmunity that nave a direct eiiiict on them and their people.” ‘We felt that t h e r anizations wi' e not ressing the es at hand,” ^ Tim Smith, fore you make anyone else re of black people, you must ice black people aware of JK nselves.” Because the group believes in set -awareness first, its membership is imited to African Americans. ■ though we are focusing our ciforts on blacks, we don’t intend to alienate other groups that have been oppressed, but we can’t interpret any other groups struggle for them. We can only interpret our own.” said John Bradley. B.A.C. will use three different methods to help promote an Africentric consciousness- reading and discussion of books by Africentric Authors, listening to Africentric speakers and drawing fromracially-motivated experiences. In addition, the group will sponsor various activities to further their cause. These activities include, forums (Knowledge Sessions), public speaking, publication of their newsletter, The B.A.C. founders focus in on their mission. Nubian Voice, protests, and rallies. In sticking to their motto of “putting active B.A.C into activity and help{ing] the movement move,” the group assisted the Sonja Haynes Stone Task Force in their sponsorship of two Speak Out sessions during the 1992 second summer session. These sessions were designed to promote enthusiasm and rally support for a Free-standing BCC. “ The race is power when in comes together and unites.” said Malcolm Marshall. In addition to aiding in the struggle for a free-standing Black Cultural Center, the Black Awareness Council’s Platform also includes fighting for an African- American Studies Department staffed with African and African- American instructors; immediate improvement of the housekeepers’ pay, working conditions and benefits, and an advisory board of minorities formed by the Chancellor to help guide his decisions effecting minorities. B.A.C. has pledged to aid in the re education of African Amencans and acoompiish its goals “By Any Means Necessary”. “Some people might view our oi^nEQlion a s militant, aggressive and demanding” said Tim Smith, “but those are all qualities of athletes. “We wanted to break the stereotype that has been projected on us. We want to bring the black athletes to the black students and the black students to the black athletes” he continued. At the end of the second summer session, the Black Awareness Council boasted a perspective membership of approximately one hundred students. KeUy GnenelBlaek Ink Building Upon A Tradition of Excellence Pean Rosaihxi Fuse-Hall Office for Student Couseling have 'matticutml to the XJRiwwsity an timel Tbw year,ttetJ«iv^isitywtUcaftme^ it’s celebration; the Biack Sttid^ Movement (BSM) aiwivemry md' th& M SttukiAi Coiuideiiftg (0$C) its l the for Stodeot' €dt)Q^iAgtvt)ek^ vm^£iftt£!dfrom veotrwe betsnroeo the BSM a)ad the Am mi all ,Vniyfet&hf with fmknUf focws o« 'AtxKm ' aM Native sftufeaty. to 1973, UNC> Aldcan Asmi6m «tiide»td caUed fat m' (rf|^^»hwooidi**»»jns6rth^" Twwty yearss goafe lojr 8caleDflJcl Tl»e Office** «taff wortej t» |i entsitteyattra£adtimle«uccess.OSC ci^flily teacbed in the Bngtish iMcetttentual evetjts. Ytw $howtd feecs&ase George Mtwes Hmton, ao African Ainerican slave tk tINC vm creating and wwitiof outstanding poetry which tobeabUioiogized today. Cefetetate the bicentennial becatme btliztk ttiason» laid the Comratone of many buifdiogs that ,tstea|ed,a. UNC camptis. Your iSgleJwa^ pays bHnage to the fu^t AMim Atttedean graduates from IMC; Harvey Beech, wtw earned Docujtate from the UKC School m/1955. lo 1951, was the fiiiit SfemaJe admitted to the I».the 1960s becairie the black to «^ve a HlD. flfodtt DKC. la the Richard B{^ l^ecatne the to detvei^ dtadent body I«ts5idwit and Karen Stevens was a ■ > first black American female to a Rhodes Scholarship. Dr. reene, who juatricuJaKsd to 1C m^ived hi» Bacl^ior'ii ^ degrees fron» and spoasws the Minorj^ Advisory Piogfam in which Minority, Advows wo&with you throu^ut I Mnay kym heard frMn| tbe^>*wd««fs Hmrne^ the swB»mcr.; t^ers Academic Sldll^ EfthancemeatSessions and tutorials to asslfii your academic endeavors at UNC. Yet, your siKcess in these IHt^tatns depends on YOU. You mast prioridze acadcniics among the fflany challenges you will face. ^ Bern ember, many Aric8n| Ataetican^ have displayed theirf^ tatentswhiJe j^taidiogUNC Soroe ent, has met ilwcbaUetjges 1^twodecade»^tMC. ^ tipon tts' and J txpm this American heritage of at have gone you, stnvwg for excellence accomplishing their goeb. Set jfoo^/^oal^ aod transcend the chaHefl]^. The Office for Suidem Oowweling will assist you in ytHtr for to«3wledgej/^^la>ttte to Sept. Uth 4-5:30 Political Science Dept., BCC and African/Afro-American Curriculum Sponsor Public Lecture/Discussion: Professor: Jim Sidanius Psychology Professor at UCLA Title: 'The Social Dominance Theory of Racism, Confidence in Police, and the Rodney King Beating*' Where: Black Cultural Center L