COVER STORY 6 DECEMBER_J4j^992_^ EBONY VOICES Which version was better: Lee’s film or Haley’s book? Ink StafT Reports Editor's Note: Ebony voices are black students on campus giving their opin ions about current issues. “The book. The movie leaves oitt some important facets of his life that we need to know in order to better understand the man.”- Marchelle Adams “Both. Some people will take the initia tive to read the book, others will see the movie; but as long as the message is relayed it doesn’ t matter."- Brian Paries “The book was astounding and the film did an excellent job of bringing the book to life,"- Janene Shubrick " The book. Since the bode was quoted directly to Alex Haley, the facts were presented. Even though Spike Lee had consultants to the movie, his personal biases were shown.” - L«i Bolds “I like the book beuer because it was more in-depth. There were some things 1 liJflfcd better in the movie than the book and vice versa. The movie was not really a separate entity; it used the book as a guide ”-Akinwolc N'Gai Wright "Both of the works were good, I don’t really think that you can compare the twa Haley’s bocA was toW direcdy to him from Malcolm, but I think that the visual presentation was more moving.”- Michelle Joyner The man, the ir Spike Lee brings the autobi Scott Johnson fWikeff Write^ Wg|,itiS^puiy Thetong a waited release of Spike Lee’s movie ver sion of "The Autobiogra phy of Malcolm X.” After two years, one white director, tons of con troversy and three hours and twenty-one minutes, I saw “Malcolm X” on opening day. At first, I was disap pointed with the small turnout for the first show ing of what was sure to be an incredible movie. - From the thirty people at the Plaza (about ten were white), it was obvious that Spike’s suggestion that people take off from school and work to see this movie didn’t pay off. So, I got some popcorn and soda and prepared myself for sitting in the same spot for almost three and one half hours. The fifteen minutes be fore the movie was sup posed to start seemed like and hour. the lights ing was ling mg ot ROHtey burning of an Ameri can flag into an X; to the ending of the eu logy by Ossie Davis and a speech by Nelson Mandela, I sat in utter disbelief at what I consida* to be one of the greatest movies of all time. Going into the movie, I wondered if three hours and twenty-one minutes would be too long. I wondered how much Spike would stick to Alex Haley’s collaboration with Malcolm X on his autobiography. I wondered if Denzel Washington could play Malcolm effectively. And the answer to all of these questions was yes. In fact, the movie but and e of the could have been easily four hours Maicoli Malcolmjisi^^erfor , there is minutes left for Malcolm’s trip to [hisi If,' Love him or hate him Malcolm demands respect. anothCT half an hour, because his trip to Africa and change in philosophy was jusi as, if not more, imortantas any of the other events which occurred during his life. This was my only complaint of the movie. Money permit ting, Spike should have used an addi tional thirty minutes or more to highlight Malcolm’s accom plishments after he separated from the Nation of Islam. Aside from that, the movie “Malcolm X” was very similar to the autobiography Spike did a good job of staying on track, and not letting Has Malcoh Surpassed Martin??? Martin Luther ofotema