poetry A Dark Hole last night i looked within my heart for an answer an answer to the question lingering in my soxiL I searched, finding only b-r-o-k-e-n pieces of my life, i dug deep and saw darkness, the smell of fear was too reaL i shook my head in confusion, think ing it was only a dream. -anonymous You are my King My heart yearns for HIM HE is one I can not touch HIS personality is strong my emotions weak ready to spill over into a bucket of fear HE clams my sould and puts my heart to rest HE IS MY KING The one and only GEM that Sparkles in my life A pudDle ofTEArs The tear falls from my face it hits the pillow, spreading as it does It’s coolness kisses my cheek my hand touches face ever so lightly My emotions seem to be endless -tAmlKa -tAmlKa THE BLACK INK FEBRUARY1998 15